Saturday 6 July 2013

Just a normal "Charity" day on McNamara Drive

We've all heard of the "Birdie Man of Thornlie" but only those that live on the street get to see some of the great "work" that he does (whatever that may be) on most Saturdays about noon you can see up to 8 cars (or more) parked around his house, and the many "volunteers" that flock around him, probably he has some arrangement with the "City of Gosnells" to carry out his "charity work" but one must ask how does he get away with it. If you take the time to come around and have a look you will see people with trolleys and piles of boxes, but I suppose he his not hurting anyone, if this chaos was seen anywhere else it would of been suppressed long ago, so keep up the good work : )

Yes my vote will be a resounding "NO" in the upcoming referendum (if it happens), Council's seem to pick and choose who they prosecute, so remember don't try to live in a tree unless it is for "charity". It is true, the Council's really don't have the authority to exist.


Day one ..

the following reply was given ...

Thankyou for your enquiry. Council meetings are conducted under the provisions of the City of Gosnells Standing Orders Local Law 2003, a co...