""It's one of the eucalypts that sheds big limbs," Mr Harris told WAtoday.com.au.
"They can shed terribly big limbs and you wouldn't know (if they were about to)."
Mr Harris is an engineer by profession. The tree is native to Victoria, NSW and southern Queensland.
He said fumes built up in the limbs of Eucalyptus Melliodora causing them to crack at unpredictable moments."
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Local news in and around the City of Gosnells, Perth Western Australia (Now on Facebook, GosnellsNewsOnline)
Friday, 28 March 2014
Window Maker in McNamara Drive Strikes again ...
Another branch drops out of our "Window Maker" tree, no winds overnight, the tree is just dry and these branches just keep coming, how long before it takes out the power line again ...
Tuesday, 25 March 2014
Yoga a gift for mind and body - inMyCommunity - Perth, Western Australia
"AGED 58, Langford woman Norah Willmott had trouble getting out of bed, could not sit cross-legged on the floor and considered getting a walking stick."
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WA Police back trial - inMyCommunity - Perth, Western Australia
"WA POLICE rejected WA Police Union statements that the law enforcement model being trialled in Perth’s southeast was putting pressure on officers."
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Differences put aside - inMyCommunity - Perth, Western Australia
"GOSNELLS and Canning councils are still communicating, despite Canning’s recent decision to fight any merge with its neighbour."
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Farley pleased at chance - inMyCommunity - Perth, Western Australia
"SOUTHERN RIVER resident Kate Farley (18) is competing in the country’s “pinnacle” rowing event, the Sydney International Rowing Regatta, after being selected for the Australian Open Rowing Championships."
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Monday, 24 March 2014
Games Played WABA Thornlie 22 March 2014 | BoardGameGeek
"People took advantage of the longer running time to get a lot of bigger/heavier games played. Saw a few Fantasy Flight games out on tables!"
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Sunday, 23 March 2014
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Day one ..
the following reply was given ...
Thankyou for your enquiry. Council meetings are conducted under the provisions of the City of Gosnells Standing Orders Local Law 2003, a co...
as posted here Armadale, Thornlie trains cancelled this weekend STAFF REPORTER January 4, 2010 - 11:28AM All passenger services on the Ar...
as posted here Two Gypsy Joker bikies have been jailed for bashing a man outside a Gosnells nightclub. Dean Alan Adams and Peter Floyd Ro...
Community News Group : "THE Thornlie Football and Sports Club will be celebrating the successful 1986 colts premiership team with a reu...