From the council meeting minutes of October 26th
The following motion was proposed by Cr D Griffiths at Item 15 ‘Notices of Motion for
Consideration at the Following Meeting’ at the Ordinary Council Meeting held
12 October 2010 to be included in the agenda for the Ordinary Council Meeting on
26 October 2010 at Item 14 ‘Motions for Which Previous Notice Has Been Given’.
That Council take action to reduce the number of Australian Ravens in
the City of Gosnells and to be proactive to achieve this.
To give other species the ability to re-populate and have a better balance of species.
The Director Planning & Sustainability has provided the following comment:
The Australian Raven, Corvus coronoides, is often reported as a nuisance in urban
areas, with noise, increased population and perceived predation on other native fauna
consistently highlighted. The following points assist in understanding the issue.
• The Australian Raven is a native bird to Australia, and is protected under the
Wildlife Conservation Act 1950.
• Population increase in urban areas is a continent-wide phenomenon, attributed
to absence of persecution and an increased availability of food and water.
• Food availability allows for a greater hatchling survival rate, decreases reliance
on seasonal change for food, and decreased territory size, which provides
opportunity for more breeding pairs to establish.
• Studies indicate that the Raven is most likely only one of a number of factors
that contribute collectively to a decline in the numbers and distribution of native
bird, reptile and amphibian species.
Management of the Australian Raven is the responsibility of the Department of
Environment and Conservation. The Department, in the City’s experience, is not
inclined to undertake culling or similar actions to reduce Raven populations without
sufficient evidence to support such actions. The Department’s position is that there is
no conclusive evidence at this time – despite reported observations and perceptions to
the contrary – that the Raven is solely responsible for a significant impact on the
abundance of other species.
Moved Cr D Griffiths Seconded Cr C Fernandez
That Council take action to reduce the number of Australian Ravens in
the City of Gosnells and to be proactive to achieve this.
LOST 3/8
FOR: Cr J Brown, Cr D Griffiths and Cr O Searle.
AGAINST: Cr W Barrett, Cr T Brown, Cr C Fernandez, Cr L Griffiths, Cr R Hoffman,
Cr S Iwanyk, and Cr K Jones.
Local news in and around the City of Gosnells, Perth Western Australia (Now on Facebook, GosnellsNewsOnline)
Saturday, 30 October 2010
Calling all bands – entries open soon for Gozzy Rock 2011
Calling all bands – entries open soon for Gozzy Rock 2011: "Emerging bands have a chance to strut their stuff on stage and win great prizes with entries opening on November 8 for the annual Gozzy Rock competition." ...
City launches Twitter service and e-Newsletters
City launches Twitter service and e-Newsletters: "The City of Gosnells can now be followed on Twitter and has also launched an
e-Newsletter service." ...
e-Newsletter service." ...
Friday, 29 October 2010
Power program puts Maddington streets ahead
Power program puts Maddington streets ahead: "From today, residents at almost 1100 Maddington properties will enjoy a more reliable power supply, better street lighting and more attractive streetscapes with the removal of the last pole in the Maddington Underground Power Program." ...
Machete brandished in Perth home invasion
Machete brandished in Perth home invasion: "Police are searching for a man and a woman after a home invasion in Perth in which a machete was brandished and a man assaulted." ...
Woman escapes Maddington car robbers - The West Australian
Woman escapes Maddington car robbers - The West Australian: "A woman made a lucky escape from a terrifying attempted robbery in the early hours this morning when two males tried to steal her car when she arrived at work." ...
AUSTRALIA: “The Hell with you, we will put our mosques wherever we damn please” � Bare Naked Islam's Weblog
AUSTRALIA: “The Hell with you, we will put our mosques wherever we damn please” ...
Chris Tallentire comments on DRPAC via Facebook
Chris Tallentire via facebook ... "Great news for our community! Word is the City of Gosnells will rescind a motion to disinvest in the Don Russell Performing Arts Centre. The people of Gosnells deserve to have quality venues for theatre, musical and other performing arts productions, that’s why we must keep the Don in its present form. The rescinding motion will be put at the next City of Gosnells council meeting to be held Tuesday 9 November 2010."
Thursday, 28 October 2010
Founder of Kenwick school guilty of making fraudulent grant claims - ABC News (Australian Broadcasting Corporation)
Founder of Kenwick school guilty of making fraudulent grant claims - ABC News (Australian Broadcasting Corporation): "The founder of a Muslim school in Kenwick has been found guilty of fraudulently claiming Government grants." ...
Last-ditch bid to save Don Russell - inMyCommunity - Perth, Western Australia
Last-ditch bid to save Don Russell - inMyCommunity - Perth, Western Australia: "SEVEN councillors yesterday made a last-ditch attempt to save the Don Russell Performing Arts Centre, collaborating to file a second rescind motion." ...
Negotiations continue over mosque plans - ABC News (Australian Broadcasting Corporation)
Negotiations continue over mosque plans - ABC News (Australian Broadcasting Corporation): "A Perth Islamic College hopes to resolve a dispute with the Gosnells city council over a community mosque." ...
Consultation to continue on place of worship
Consultation to continue on place of worship: "Senior City of Gosnells staff will continue to work with representatives of the Thornlie Islamic College to identify a suitable site for a place of worship for local Muslims." ...
State approves City’s housing density increase
State approves City’s housing density increase: "The City of Gosnells is expecting a surge in applications for subdivision and development following a recent decision by the Minister for Planning to approve an amendment which sees the residential density codes increased for around 4000 properties in seven suburbs." ...
Wednesday, 27 October 2010
Perth Heat gears up for Australian Baseball League (ABL) season
Perth Heat gears up for Australian Baseball League (ABL) season: "Perth Heat will step up to the plate tonight against the USA All-Stars to begin its pre-season campaign ahead of next month's Australian Baseball League.
The Heat will take on the All-Stars again tomorrow night and on Saturday, with all games at Barbagallo Ballpark in Thornlie." ...
The Heat will take on the All-Stars again tomorrow night and on Saturday, with all games at Barbagallo Ballpark in Thornlie." ...
Thornlie tree man ordered to pay $5500 - The West Australian
Thornlie tree man ordered to pay $5500 - The West Australian: "
... Mr Perkins said the tree was on council land.
Outside court a supporter of Mr Pennicuik, James Dean, said he would continue to fight the charge.
'We'll be going to the Supreme Court of appeal and after that we will be going to the High Court and after that we will be going to the Privy court,' Mr Dean said."
Outside court a supporter of Mr Pennicuik, James Dean, said he would continue to fight the charge.
'We'll be going to the Supreme Court of appeal and after that we will be going to the High Court and after that we will be going to the Privy court,' Mr Dean said."
Muslim community 'cheated' after ban on prayer - inMyCommunity - Perth, Western Australia
Muslim community 'cheated' after ban on prayer - inMyCommunity - Perth, Western Australia: "The Imam of Thornlie Australian Islamic College says the Muslim community feels cheated after Gosnells councillors voted to ban the school being used as a place of worship."
Tree man found guilty of obstruction - inMyCommunity - Perth, Western Australia
Tree man found guilty of obstruction - inMyCommunity - Perth, Western Australia: "THORNLIE tree man Richard Pennicuik was convicted of obstruction when he appeared in Armadale Magistrates Court today." ...
Too many ravens - inMyCommunity - Perth, Western Australia
Too many ravens - inMyCommunity - Perth, Western Australia: "THE Gosnells City Council will consider a motion by Cr Dave Griffiths to actively reduce the number of Australian ravens." ...
Council rejects use of school hall as mosque - ABC News (Australian Broadcasting Corporation)
Council rejects use of school hall as mosque - ABC News (Australian Broadcasting Corporation): "A suburban council in Perth has rejected a request by an Islamic school to allow its school hall to be used as a place of worship for Muslim members of the community." ...
Tuesday, 26 October 2010
New opposition to Gosnells mosque - The West Australian
New opposition to Gosnells mosque - The West Australian: "The Islamic community faces fresh opposition to plans for a prayer centre in the City of Gosnells with the council poised to reject an application to use a Thornlie school hall as a mosque." ...
Women in battle to save Don - inMyCommunity - Perth, Western Australia
Women in battle to save Don - inMyCommunity - Perth, Western Australia: "THEATRE lovers are seeking a solution to save the Don Russell Performing Arts Centre, last week calling on the City of Gosnells to listen to its ratepayers." ...
Sunday, 24 October 2010
City to look at culling Ravens - Crows???
The following motion was proposed by Cr D Griffiths at Item 15 ‘Notices of Motion for
Consideration at the Following Meeting’ at the Ordinary Council Meeting held
12 October 2010 to be included in the agenda for the Ordinary Council Meeting on
26 October 2010 at Item 14 ‘Motions for Which Previous Notice Has Been Given’.
That Council take action to reduce the number of Australian Ravens in
the City of Gosnells and to be proactive to achieve this.
To give other species the ability to re-populate and have a better balance of species.
The Director Planning & Sustainability has provided the following comment:
The Australian Raven, Corvus coronoides, is often reported as a nuisance in urban
areas, with noise, increased population and perceived predation on other native fauna
consistently highlighted. The following points assist in understanding the issue.
• The Australian Raven is a native bird to Australia, and is protected under the
Wildlife Conservation Act 1950.
• Population increase in urban areas is a continent-wide phenomenon, attributed
to absence of persecution and an increased availability of food and water.
• Food availability allows for a greater hatchling survival rate, decreases reliance
on seasonal change for food, and decreased territory size, which provides
opportunity for more breeding pairs to establish.
• Studies indicate that the Raven is most likely only one of a number of factors
that contribute collectively to a decline in the numbers and distribution of native
bird, reptile and amphibian species.
Management of the Australian Raven is the responsibility of the Department of
Environment and Conservation. The Department, in the City’s experience, is not
inclined to undertake culling or similar actions to reduce Raven populations without
sufficient evidence to support such actions. The Department’s position is that there is
no conclusive evidence at this time – despite reported observations and perceptions to
the contrary – that the Raven is solely responsible for a significant impact on the
abundance of other species.
as can be found here
The following motion was proposed by Cr D Griffiths at Item 15 ‘Notices of Motion for
Consideration at the Following Meeting’ at the Ordinary Council Meeting held
12 October 2010 to be included in the agenda for the Ordinary Council Meeting on
26 October 2010 at Item 14 ‘Motions for Which Previous Notice Has Been Given’.
That Council take action to reduce the number of Australian Ravens in
the City of Gosnells and to be proactive to achieve this.
To give other species the ability to re-populate and have a better balance of species.
The Director Planning & Sustainability has provided the following comment:
The Australian Raven, Corvus coronoides, is often reported as a nuisance in urban
areas, with noise, increased population and perceived predation on other native fauna
consistently highlighted. The following points assist in understanding the issue.
• The Australian Raven is a native bird to Australia, and is protected under the
Wildlife Conservation Act 1950.
• Population increase in urban areas is a continent-wide phenomenon, attributed
to absence of persecution and an increased availability of food and water.
• Food availability allows for a greater hatchling survival rate, decreases reliance
on seasonal change for food, and decreased territory size, which provides
opportunity for more breeding pairs to establish.
• Studies indicate that the Raven is most likely only one of a number of factors
that contribute collectively to a decline in the numbers and distribution of native
bird, reptile and amphibian species.
Management of the Australian Raven is the responsibility of the Department of
Environment and Conservation. The Department, in the City’s experience, is not
inclined to undertake culling or similar actions to reduce Raven populations without
sufficient evidence to support such actions. The Department’s position is that there is
no conclusive evidence at this time – despite reported observations and perceptions to
the contrary – that the Raven is solely responsible for a significant impact on the
abundance of other species.
as can be found here
A motion to revoke Resolution 438 of the Ordinary Council Meeting held on
12 October 2010 has been received in accordance with clause 3.10.3 of the City of
Gosnells Standing Orders Local Law 2003. The motion has been duly signed by one
third of the number of offices of Council namely Cr J Brown, Cr R Hoffman, Cr W
Barrett and Cr S Iwanyk.
That Council decision of 12 October 2010 relating to Item 13.2.1 Review
of Don Russell Performing Arts Centre, which reads:
“Move management of DRPAC to City Facilities and hire out the centre
in a similar manner to other City of Gosnells Facilities”
be revoked.
The facility in its present form and under the current management provides much
needed social and cultural benefits to members of the community.
Although the net cost to the City may decrease under the proposed motion, it is likely
that the usage and revenue sources would also decrease significantly due to the
Centre only being used by community/commercial hirers, which have limited demand
for this type of purpose built community facility
as can be found here
A motion to revoke Resolution 438 of the Ordinary Council Meeting held on
12 October 2010 has been received in accordance with clause 3.10.3 of the City of
Gosnells Standing Orders Local Law 2003. The motion has been duly signed by one
third of the number of offices of Council namely Cr J Brown, Cr R Hoffman, Cr W
Barrett and Cr S Iwanyk.
That Council decision of 12 October 2010 relating to Item 13.2.1 Review
of Don Russell Performing Arts Centre, which reads:
“Move management of DRPAC to City Facilities and hire out the centre
in a similar manner to other City of Gosnells Facilities”
be revoked.
The facility in its present form and under the current management provides much
needed social and cultural benefits to members of the community.
Although the net cost to the City may decrease under the proposed motion, it is likely
that the usage and revenue sources would also decrease significantly due to the
Centre only being used by community/commercial hirers, which have limited demand
for this type of purpose built community facility
as can be found here
Joint effort to protect rivers - inMyCommunity - Perth, Western Australia
Joint effort to protect rivers - inMyCommunity - Perth, Western Australia: "GOSNELLS Mayor Olwen Searle says rivers belong to everyone and it is vital that everyone works together to ensure the waterways remain healthy." ...
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Thankyou for your enquiry. Council meetings are conducted under the provisions of the City of Gosnells Standing Orders Local Law 2003, a co...
as posted here Armadale, Thornlie trains cancelled this weekend STAFF REPORTER January 4, 2010 - 11:28AM All passenger services on the Ar...
as posted here Two Gypsy Joker bikies have been jailed for bashing a man outside a Gosnells nightclub. Dean Alan Adams and Peter Floyd Ro...
Community News Group : "THE Thornlie Football and Sports Club will be celebrating the successful 1986 colts premiership team with a reu...