AS POSTED HERE ---> Media Statements - Statements - State Budget 2010-11: Strong foundations....
The 2010-11 State Budget handed down by Premier and Treasurer Colin Barnett today includes $1.005billion for expenditure on assets in the South Metropolitan region.
The Premier and Treasurer said the $286million surplus announced in today’s Budget reflected the Liberal-National Government’s disciplined economic stewardship during the recent global downturn and created a strong foundation for future growth and improved service delivery.
“Today’s $286million surplus will ensure the State Government can focus on ensuring services are delivered efficiently, effectively and fairly across the State,” Mr Barnett said.
“This is a great result for all West Australians and I would like to specifically welcome today’s announcement of major projects and improved service delivery for the South Metropolitan region.
“This ongoing level of support for important initiatives in the South Metropolitan region highlights the Liberal-National Government’s commitment to ensuring the benefits and opportunities of a strong economy are shared throughout Western Australia.”
Planning for Applecross Senior High has commenced for the $56million redevelopment of Applecross Senior High School. A staged construction program is expected to be applied and completed in 2013.
The extension and improvement in health infrastructure and services for the South Metropolitan region is further assisted in the 2010-11 Budget:
· Work will continue on the $1.76billion Fiona Stanley Hospital
· Work will continue on the $115million Rockingham Kwinana Hospital upgrade
· Work will start on the $256million new State Rehabilitation Centre.
The 2010-11 Budget also includes the biggest-ever injection of additional funding for the State’s health system, significant increases to child protection services, money to strengthen the community sector and support for young people and families.
WA Budget statements are available at
Treasurer’s office - 9222 9475
Specific projects funded in the Budget for the South Metropolitan region included:
· Applecross Senior High School - planning has commenced for the $56million redevelopment of Applecross Senior High School. A staged construction program is expected to be applied and completed in 2013
· Atwell College - construction will commence on the $31million Stage Two of Atwell College. This will enable the school to progress to years 11 and 12. The project is expected to be completed for the 2012 school year
· Aubin Grove Primary School - construction will continue on the new $15million primary school in Aubin Grove. The project will provide relief to Harmony Primary school and is expected to be completed for the commencement of 2011
· Comet Bay College - Stage 2 - construction has commenced on the $25million Stage 2 Comet Bay College enabling secondary students at the school to continue to Year 11 in 2011 and Year 12 in 2012. The new facilities will be designed to include innovative and state-of-the art facilities, comparable to world-class best practice. The new facilities are scheduled to be completed in 2011
· Rossmoyne Senior High School - construction has commenced on the $14million upgrade to facilities at Rossmoyne Senior High School. Works are expected to be completed for 2011.
Clontarf College
Royalties for Regions will provide funding of $5.04million over four years, including funding of $1.64million in 2010-11. The purpose of the funding is to set up additional football academies to be hosted by regional schools.
· Work will continue on the $1.76billion Fiona Stanley Hospital
· Work will continue on the $115million Rockingham Kwinana Hospital upgrade
· Work will start on the $256million new State Rehabilitation Centre.
· Completion of a project at South Street, Beaconsfield, comprising 10 units at a cost of $1.5million
· Completion of a project across several sites in a high density precinct near the Meve Town Centre in Beeliar, comprising 12 units for families at a cost of $1.8million.
· Construction of 541 dwellings under State and Commonwealth stimulus programs.
Land Development - Golden Bay
· $14million for civil works
Development of Stage 1 has commenced and will create a total of 150 lots. The lots will be offered for sale to the general public with preference being given to first homebuyers and owner-occupiers.
· Planning for the Cockburn Central Police Station (District Hub) to be located in Cockburn Central has commenced with funding of $20.6million provided over the forward estimates.
Perth Metropolitan Radio Network (PMRN) Expansion ($8.7million). The PMRN expansion extends the existing radio and mobile data communications north to Lancelin, east to Northam and south to Dunsborough. It also provides for the State-wide implementation of mobile data by public carrier. This will result in improving:
· police response times within the PMRN expansion area through the capability to dispatch tasks to the officers best placed to respond rapidly to emergency calls
· information availability through direct access to central databases
· officer security through vehicle location tracking and encrypted voice communications.
· $30.3million funding for the $155million Mandurah Entrance Road.
Perth Metropolitan will have access to:
· $220million over next four years for Safer Roads and State Black Spot programs.
· Expenditure - approximately $31.1million
· Also in this region, $9.7million will be spent upgrading sludge treatment facilities at Woodman Point, the State’s biggest wastewater treatment facility in the latest of several upgrades to ensure this facility continues to operate at optimum capacity.
The Water Corporation will spend more than $3.4billion over the forward estimates period on essential projects across the State, recognising the ongoing need for major water and wastewater infrastructure developments. These projects are essential as WA continues to grow strongly.
In 2010-11, the Water Corporation will spend $1billion on capital works projects across WA, with about $339million allocated to dozens of smaller projects across regional WA.
FESA’s Budget for 2010-11 is $271.4million which represents an increase of $38.4million from last year’s Budget.
· $33.1million to continue with the construction of the Emergency Services Complex in Cockburn with completion expected in 2011-12 at an estimated total project cost of $51.6million
· Continued availability of a Type 1 helicopter for bushfire suppression in, and around the Perth metropolitan area and the Darling Scarp at a gross cost of $2.8million in 2010-11 ($11.9million over the forward estimates period).
· There is a need to safeguard natural assets, assemble land for industry and to acquire land required for highways, railways, ports and other infrastructure. Over $50million has been allocated to the Western Australian Planning Commission for the purchase of reserved land for the future of the State.
Local news in and around the City of Gosnells, Perth Western Australia (Now on Facebook, GosnellsNewsOnline)
Thursday, 20 May 2010
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