Wednesday, 13 June 2007

the following reply was given ...

Thankyou for your enquiry.

Council meetings are conducted under the provisions of the City of Gosnells Standing Orders Local Law 2003, a copy of which can be viewed on the City's website via the drop down tag of "Our City" where you will see the heading "Local Laws". By clicking on that heading all local laws are listed.

In relation to the Public Statement it is advised that the lady concerned attempted to access the building via the main entry to the Reception area rather than the Gallery door just as the Mayor was about to enter the Chamber. The Mayor directed her to the appropriate door at which time it was noticed the lady had in her possession a Public Statement form. As it was evident the lady had not previously attended a Council meeting and as such was not fully conversant with the procedures the Mayor afforded her the opportunity to submit her Statement after the commencement of the meeting.

In relation to the comment on an item by the Presiding Member the Standing Orders, clause 3.3.1, make provision for the Presiding Member to take part in discussion on any item before the Council.

I trust this information adequately clarifies your query.


Trevor Perkins
Director Governance
City of Gosnells
Tel: 9391 3270
Fax: 9398 2922

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Day one ..

the following reply was given ...

Thankyou for your enquiry. Council meetings are conducted under the provisions of the City of Gosnells Standing Orders Local Law 2003, a co...