Monday 14 September 2009


I am a currently serving as Councillor for your City of Gosnells and have resided in Kenwick for past 31 years with significant experience working for local communities in the following roles;
· Chairman of Gosnells Neighbourhood Watch committee
· 18 years as WACSSO councillor representing 32 government school P&C committees
· Member of Bickley Ward Progress and Ratepayers association
· Eight years as member of the Maddington/Kenwick Sustainable Community Leadership Network
· Eight years as member of the Gosnells Safe City Taskforce
· Neighbourhood Watch program in Kenwick
· Established the East Kenwick Safety House committee and program

I have a clear understanding of sports clubs, schools, business and commerce, seniors and youth’s interests, having assisted as an independent, impartial decision maker, vigorously and honestly representing community interests.

Be assured I have the time, energy and local knowledge to be your voice in your Council.

Address: 1 Oakley Court Kenwick W.A. 6107
Tel: 94599693 (H) 94599693 (Fax)
Email: teb [AT]

1 comment:

  1. Mr Brown was asked to supply an "extended" profile, he only supplied the stock profile as posted here, Mr Brown was also asked to comment on a couple of issues and to this date has not! The other candidates that supplied their email addresses were also asked if they wish to supply an extended profile, Mr Brown was the only candidate to respond.


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Day one ..

the following reply was given ...

Thankyou for your enquiry. Council meetings are conducted under the provisions of the City of Gosnells Standing Orders Local Law 2003, a co...