Tuesday, 11 September 2007

New counting system for Local Government elections

...This year, for the first time, there is a new counting system for Local Government elections and will require the ballot paper to be numbered in every box, from 1 to the number of all the candidates on the ballot paper. The new count system is called Preferential or Proportional Representation, click here for more information, and is used for Senate counts in Federal elections and the Legislative Council in State elections. Previously, Local Government elections had the First Past the Post method which involved ticking the boxes on the ballot paper. This is no longer acceptable.

If you will be away over the election period make sure you get your postal voting package returned in good time, it has to be received by 6pm Saturday, 20 October 2007...

as posted on WAEC site please visit the site to follow the links as posted

1 comment:

  1. who cares, I always vote for the donkey anyway, but wait I don't have to vote so why should I bother


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