Tuesday, 17 July 2007

Seeking public comment

We recently received a letter in the mail from the COG council concerning "... Amendment No. 75 to Town Planning Sceme No. 6 - modify the boundry of the Local Open Space Reserve on Towncentre Drive, Thornlie and rezone a portion of Lot 9005 Towncentre Drive, Thornlie from "Residential R30: and "District Centre" to "Residential R80" and asking for public comment."


  1. they have put the wrong postcode.

    It should be 6110.

  2. the post code is correct - it is the post code for a post office box.


comments will be moderated before posting, allow some time before they appear if they are accepted ...

Day one ..

the following reply was given ...

Thankyou for your enquiry. Council meetings are conducted under the provisions of the City of Gosnells Standing Orders Local Law 2003, a co...