Wednesday, 18 July 2007

No public meeting ...

Another motion was put forward at the meeting on 13th April 1999 which was "...That prior to Council approving any development proposal in any part of the subject area Council consult wih landowners to the area by holding public meeting in relation to the location of the Public Open Space ..." which sounds like a good thing, but ...

at the meeting of 13th July that motion was revoked, that is dropped, because "...That in light of further advice by staff outling the staus of development of the Towncentre Drive Reserve, Resolution 223 of the Ordinary Council Meeting held 13 April 1999, which reads ... be revoked"

seems that "... as it is considered that this reserve is almost fully developed ..." there was no need to have a meeting about it, the reserve is the existing reserve the one that does not actually exist anymore, the developers have cut into and built onto this reserve so back then we did not need to have a public meeting because the reserve was made but since then it has been cut back, and now we are asked to comment ...

check out the minutes for 13th July 1999 here

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Day one ..

the following reply was given ...

Thankyou for your enquiry. Council meetings are conducted under the provisions of the City of Gosnells Standing Orders Local Law 2003, a co...