Wednesday, 27 October 2010

Thornlie tree man ordered to pay $5500 - The West Australian

Thornlie tree man ordered to pay $5500 - The West Australian: "

... Mr Perkins said the tree was on council land.

Outside court a supporter of Mr Pennicuik, James Dean, said he would continue to fight the charge.

'We'll be going to the Supreme Court of appeal and after that we will be going to the High Court and after that we will be going to the Privy court,' Mr Dean said."


  1. bloody fruit loop get a life, you say you have cronic fatigue what a load of colly wobble get a life get a job

  2. It's obvious this dinagling is being led by a bigger dingaling. I hope the morons that are encouraging treeman to continue this plight are also willing to pay the fines and penalties he incurs while he's listening to them. Wake up treeman - think of your family.


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