Sunday, 8 February 2009

throw it to the floor ...

yes lately the delivery of the FREE Giveaway Local Newspapers have ended up accumulating on the street outside our house, when it comes to delivering newspapers or spam letterbox material, you don't get paid much, so if you can deliver them faster, you have a reasonable chance of making a bit of money the quicker you deliver the 500 newspapers the more you can earn, so it seems the best way is to ride by on the bike or in the car and chuck them at the unsuspecting houses, but unfortunately as these papers are mostly unwanted or easily missed they end up decorating our council verges and street scapes, when community newspapers (a generic term not referring to the company name) first got going here in Perth this came up as an issue and is in fact seen by law as littering, to a point that the community newspapers actually supplied residents with tubes for the newspaper to go in, since then they have been put into the letterbox, where you can choose if you wish to read it, use it in the kitty tray or just dump it at your own convenience, but now it seems that the local rags have worked out that they cant keep delivering in this fashion so it seems they have gone back to their old habits, the worse thing is that they are actually applying to council to be allowed to do this and council are giving the green light, to bad for the street scapes where you are starting to find dumped papers everywhere, will this also happen to the other unwanted mail, will they start throwing that to the floor ....

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