Wednesday, 9 April 2008


Bickley Ward Progress and Ratepayers Association (Inc.)

For the last 18 months, the Bickley Ward Progress and Ratepayers Association have been campaigning for a forum to be held that will address the rise in the level of crime in the region. The Association is pleased to announce that they have been successful in bringing the relevant groups together to make this forum a reality. The Community Safety Forum will be held on the 16th of April 2008.

The Association has raised this issue at all levels of Government and has succeeded in bringing together a number of persons and representatives from Governments and their agencies, which will assist our community in moving forward towards the type of community we want.

Bickley Ward Progress and Ratepayers Association President, Mrs Sandra Baraiolo, said that “After discussing this issue with a number of people in all levels of Government, we have managed to convince them of the need for a suitable forum that will address the increase of crime and violence against members of the community, particularly the elderly. Members of the community are unwilling to leave their homes after dark, or to walk in public places for fear of being attacked. They are apprehensive about leaving their homes unattended for fear of them being burgled.”

“There have been a number of incidences of violence in this region that illustrate why there is a valid concern among the community, and we would be negligent as members of this community if we do not acknowledge this problem and take action to rectify the situation” she said.

“The Association does not see this forum as the time and place that all problems will be solved, but the start of a “program” that will progressively identify and take steps to mitigate the source of this increase in crime and violence. We acknowledge that there are existing programs in place, but if the level of crime is increasing, it would suggest that the current programs are not working effectively in this region.”

“The Association has discussed how it would like to address the problems, but we are seeking comment and support from the wider community so that we can incorporate their ideas and get the program moving forward. The immediate outcome that we are seeking is the formation of a leadership group, made up of suitable people from the community and all levels of Government, that will establish and drive the proposed program.”

“We are also seeking a commitment to forming a whole-of-Government body that will head the new program and will have access to suitable funding and resources. We also see leadership as an important part of the process and as such are seeking nominations from our elected officials, public servants, and members of the community to attend the forum and help guide the development of the program” she said.

Mrs Baraiolo said that “any member of the community that is interested in attending the forum, they can contact the Association for information and an invitation to the forum. Forum numbers are limited, so invitations will be preferentially given to representatives of wider groups or associations. We don’t want to exclude people, so anyone who is interested can register to be kept updated.”


Sandra Baraiolo
Mob: 0409 026 273

David Munut
Vice President
Mob: 0417 174 849

Bickley Ward Progress and Ratepayers Association
MOBILE: 0417 174 849

1 comment:

  1. seems strange to me that officially we have no crime problem within the City of Gosnells, and hey it's an election next year, when all the pollies put on their public faces, if we took in account all the unreported crime the figures would scare off any potential residents, but seriously we need to look at why we have a high crime rate, the social reasons behind it, like poverty, lack of a decent education, and hey the dob in a hoon has been very positive, but you can still hear them hooning around, I mean who wants to become a victim by dobing in these hoons and face the massive paperwork pile and the fact that you need to prove that they did it, better answer is to have police on the streets not locked up in an office do paper work nine to five, up the patrols, stop the revenue cameras, taking someones picture does not stop them from speeding, yes hitting their money belt hurts them but it's a little late after the event ...


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