Friday, 28 September 2007

Canning Vale or Thornlie

Canning Vale Ward consists of the suburbs of Canning Vale (Gosnells side) and Thornlie, I am running for the Canning Vale Ward, I live in Thornlie, once a councilor is elected they are required to represent every ratepayer/resident in the City of Gosnells, the ward system is only for the election of the councilors it serves no other purpose.

A lot of people have contacted me and complained about the high rates they are paying, the fact is the rates are not going to go down, in fact they will probably continue to rise each year, I attended the meeting early this year, only myself and my daughter were present at that meeting (from the public) and all councilors voted to accept the increase, any councilor or candidate that says the will reduce rates, needs to explain how. It's not going happen over night, we need a more sustainable vision for Gosnells, and stop the expansion that we are all paying for ...

We need to drop the Ward system, so all residents/ratepayers can vote for all of the councilors that will represent them, we also need to adapt a system were we vote for the Mayor not the councilors at a special meeting.

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Day one ..

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Thankyou for your enquiry. Council meetings are conducted under the provisions of the City of Gosnells Standing Orders Local Law 2003, a co...