"Firefighters have escaped injury after a fire truck crashed in Maddington, bringing down powerlines."
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Local news in and around the City of Gosnells, Perth Western Australia (Now on Facebook, GosnellsNewsOnline)
Saturday, 6 December 2014
Thornlie man used social media to target children: police
"A 49-year-old man is due to face court accused of attempting to lure a child to engage in sexual activities."
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WA treasurer fights council change
"The forced metropolitan amalgamations have proved highly contentious - but appear unstoppable - with the councils of Subiaco, South Perth, Serpentine-Jarrahdale and Peppermint Grove recently losing a Supreme Court challenge."
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Holy carp! Perth's urban fishers take to the drains
"Clay Anderson of Langford sent in a photo of an 83-centimetre, eight-kilogram carp caught in a similar man-made lake at Tom Bateman Reserve in Thornlie last year."
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Tuesday, 25 November 2014
Bloody pig's head found outside Perth mosque
"A Muslim leaders says it is "disappointing" a vandal chose to target a Perth mosque with a bloody pig's head early on Monday."
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Saturday, 22 November 2014
Birdie Man of Thornlie ... special pick up
Special general rubbish pick up for the birdie man of thornlie, yet again, here at McNamara Drive we had our yearly general waste pickup, which started on Monday, seems our special birdie man missed his rates notice and did not put any rubbish out ... until after everyone else's was picked up, and here we are on Saturday morning, and he is yet again getting special treatment, he put his rubbish out several days after ours was picked up, come on City of Gosnells what is going on ... who is paying for this !!!!!!!!!!!!
Monday, 10 November 2014
Drug bust link to ‘bush doof’ parties
"A MAJOR drug bust in suburban Perth, which uncovered an estimated $210,000 worth of cannabis and hallucinogenics, is believed to have links with underground “bush doof parties”."
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Monday, 3 November 2014
Reduce the risk of fires
"With the fire season approaching the City of Gosnells is reminding landowners to reduce the risk of fires at residential and vacant properties by following a few simple steps."
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Tuesday, 28 October 2014
Man, 33, charged after Gosnells pharmacy syringe hold-up
"A 33-year-old man from Coondle, near Toodyay has been charged with armed robbery, after he allegedly tried to hold up a pharmacy in Gosnells on Sunday armed with a syringe."
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Sunday, 26 October 2014
‘Work Safe, Home Safe’ the message for Safe Work Australia month
"City of Gosnells Operational and Waste Collection Services staff attended barbeques this week to commemorate Safe Work Australia month."
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Roll On Skate series
"If you want to learn epic tricks from WA’s best skaters, then get down to the City of Gosnells’ Roll On Skate series for clinics and competitions this summer and autumn."
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Mayor optimistic about LG reform
"City of Gosnells Mayor Dave Griffiths is optimistic for the future following the recent Local Government Reform announcements."
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Thursday, 23 October 2014
Perth councils prepare for amalgamations and mergers
"Among the proposed amalgamations are the City of Gosnells and the City of Canning, the City of Bayswater and the Town of Bassendean, the City of Belmont and the Shire of Kalamunda, the City of South Perth and the Town of Victoria Park, the City of Swan and the Shire of Mundaring; and the City of Kwinana and the City of Cockburn."
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Tuesday, 21 October 2014
Muslim community says Barnett must do more to stamp out attacks
"At the weekend, two Perth mosques and the Australian Islamic College in Thornlie were targeted with anti-Islamic slogans."
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Saturday, 18 October 2014
Bill Johnston » Member for Cannington – Australian Labor Party » Bill Johnston demands action for residents impacted by freight movements
"With the expansion of the Western Australian economy in recent years, freight movement through Thornlie has increased dramatically, however no strategy has been implemented by the Barnett government to assist local residents."
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Police investigate possible abduction of young woman in Thornlie
"Police are investigating the possible abduction of a young woman in Thornlie on Wednesday afternoon."
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Police search for missing Maddington man James John Reid. - The West Australian
"The 52-year-old man also known as Jimmy Reid was last seen at his home and business address in Maddington on Wednesday morning."
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Wednesday, 8 October 2014
Thornlie man facing false visa, migration fraud charges | Perth Now
"A THORNLIE man has been charged with migration fraud after allegedly providing false visa documents to immigration officials."
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Tuesday, 7 October 2014
City of Gosnells - Seniors say it all with photographs
"Seniors within the City of Gosnells are invited to enter a photographic and story writing competition as part of Seniors Week celebrations in the City."
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City of Gosnells - Springfest at Southern River Community Garden
"Come and celebrate springtime at the Southern River Community Garden with its inaugural Springfest – a fun event for the whole family on Sunday 12 October from 10am – noon."
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City of Gosnells - Beckenham project generates new housing
"The State’s Planning Minister John Day last week saw first-hand how the City of Gosnells’ Public Open Space Strategy is helping communities grow with the launch of a new residential subdivision in Sydenham Street, Beckenham."
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Wednesday, 1 October 2014
Christmas lights Thornlie - Oz Christmas Lights
"Our street has been lighting up for nearly 20 years. Although not as many houses join in these days, we still go to a lot of effort. Come and see the lasers, bubbles, inflatables, dancing Santa and much much more. We do have tins to fundraise for Kids Cancer Support Group for those who can afford to donate, but we do not shake tins at people. Look forward to seeing you all. MERRY CHRISTMAS :) xx"
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Christmas lights Maddington - Oz Christmas Lights
"come see our lights. We have been put up lights for the 5-6 years now an we never get tired of seeing the happy faces of all who come to see them. we are supporting the Royal flying Doctors Service. also we have Santa arriving on the 15th Dec so come and have a photo taken with him."
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Saturday, 27 September 2014
Thursday, 18 September 2014
Lions roar home to claim first premiership - inMyCommunity - Perth, Western Australia
"THORNLIE Lions Year 7 Greens are the inaugural Perth Demons District Year 7 Premiership team. This year was the first year the age group had played for premiership honours."
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Thursday, 11 September 2014
City of Gosnells - Dangerous dogs
"Dangerous dogs can be of any breed; however some breeds are more prone to attacking than others. "
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Wednesday, 10 September 2014
Saturday, 6 September 2014
Eastern States bikie gang moves west - The West Australian
"Police say WA's cashed-up mining economy continues to act as a magnet for bikie gangs, with yet another Eastern States-based club establishing a foothold in Perth."
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Tuesday, 2 September 2014
New era for sports and community in Beckenham
"Demolition of Mills Park Bowling Club is about to begin, signalling a new era for local bowlers and the start of work on the City of Gosnells’ multi-million dollar Mills Park sports and community redevelopment project."
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Saturday, 30 August 2014
Pepper spray allegedly used against police in Thornlie
"A 28-year-old Thornlie man will appear in Armadale Magistrates Court on Friday facing a raft of charges, after allegedly assaulting and attempting to escape police."
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Pepper spray allegedly used against police in Thornlie
"A 28-year-old Thornlie man will appear in Armadale Magistrates Court on Friday facing a raft of charges, after allegedly assaulting and attempting to escape police."
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Friday, 29 August 2014
Burglary Maddington - Gosnells Police... - Western Australia Police
"Burglary Maddington - Gosnells Police are looking to put the icing on the cake with an investigation they have been conducting into a burglary that occurred at a local cake store on Binley Place in Maddington."
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Thursday, 21 August 2014
Rubbish collections stop after Transpacific's national truck fleet grounded - ABC News (Australian Broadcasting Corporation)
Rubbish collection services have been halted in many parts of the country after Australia's largest waste management firm grounded its entire fleet."
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City of Gosnells - Waste collections temporarily disrupted
"Collections of recyclable materials in yellow top bins have been temporarily disrupted due to safety inspections being carried out on Transpacific Cleanaway vehicles nationally."
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Thursday, 31 July 2014
Hitchhiker pulls gun on friendly driver in Roleystone, south east of Perth | Perth Now
"A HITCHHIKER robbed a man at gunpoint who was giving him a lift in Perth’s south east last night."
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Charges laid after car hits house - The West Australian
"A 23-year-old man who allegedly crashed a car into a house on Monday has been charged with a string of offences, including assault."
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Tuesday, 29 July 2014
Bogged driver found safe - The West Australian
"A Maddington man who went missing after his vehicle became bogged last night has been found safe and well."
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Wednesday, 9 July 2014
Thornlie woman allegedly stole $380,000 from trucking company
"A Thornlie woman has been charged after allegedly defrauding the transport company she worked for to the tune of more than $387,000."
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Tuesday, 8 July 2014
Train may ease pain - inMyCommunity - Perth, Western Australia
"A VERDICT on a Canning Vale train station will move a step closer when Transport Minister Dean Nalder receives a plan for the future of Perth's public transport system this month."
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Wednesday, 2 July 2014
Mandurah principal denies any wrongdoing in abuse court case
"The defence in the trial of former Mandurah school principal Matthew Faulkner will come down to one single fact, according to his lawyer; he simply "didn't do it"."
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Friday, 27 June 2014
Five shots fired at Thornlie home, family inside uninjured | Perth Now
"FIVE shots have been fired into a Thornlie home early today as the occupants slept inside."
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Wednesday, 25 June 2014
Mosque opens doors - inMyCommunity - Perth, Western Australia
"A NEW mosque in Southern River will provide Muslim communities in Perth’s southeastern suburbs with a long-awaited place of worship."
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Sunday, 15 June 2014
City of Gosnells - Community involvement
"Community involvement is essential in all stages of the Public Open Space Strategy and in delivering the Great Open Spaces program."
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Car slams into Thornlie house - The West Australian
"A woman has had a lucky escape after her car crashed into a house in Thornlie this afternoon."
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Friday, 13 June 2014
Police seize 5kg of cannabis in Maddington raid | Perth Now
"POLICE have seized 5kg of cannabis, worth about $40,000 on Perth’s streets, following a raid on a house in Maddington."
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Thursday, 12 June 2014
City of Gosnells - Awesome Antics extends ages and hours to provide all day fun
The Awesome Antics school holiday program will extend its hours and age bracket to provide all day fun and activities for young people aged 10 to 16 in the July holidays."
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Wednesday, 11 June 2014
Racist slurs spark kids footy brawl - The West Australian
"The WA Football Commission is investigating whether racial vilification sparked an ugly junior football melee in Ferndale at the weekend."
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Saturday, 7 June 2014
Racing driver killed in Thornlie crash - WorldNews
"The 19-year-old Thornlie man, who died at the scene on the corner of Southdown Place and Spencer Road, was driving a Holden Commodore and apparently racing the driver of a Nissan 300ZH hatch. Police were at a traffic stop at 11.50pm when they heard what appeared to be two vehicles travelling at speed. "
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Tuesday, 3 June 2014
Massive fuel theft from petrol station - The West Australian
"Two men have been charged with stealing more than $11,000 worth of fuel from a Maddington petrol station."
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Sunday, 1 June 2014
City of Gosnells - Community garden yields bumper first crop
"The first harvest at the City of Gosnells’ community garden in Southern River has yielded a bountiful crop."
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Saturday, 31 May 2014
Commuters face train station parking fee - inMyCommunity - Perth, Western Australia
"PAID parking will be introduced at all Perth train stations from July 1, and users of Gosnells, Maddington, Kenwick, Beckenham and Thornlie stations have been warned not to park in nearby streets to avoid the fee."
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Friday, 30 May 2014
Girl, 14, indecently assaulted as she walked on Maddington street | Herald Sun
"A 14-year-old girl was grabbed and indecently assaulted in broad daylight as she walked along a Perth suburban street this week."
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Tuesday, 27 May 2014
City of Gosnells - Entries now open for Gozzy Rock 2014
"Emerging bands and musicians have until Thursday 31 July to sign up for Western Australia’s longest running band competition, Gozzy Rock 2014, and battle it out for the title of winner."
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Thursday, 22 May 2014
City of Gosnells - NAIDOC Week 2014 - Flag Raising Ceremony
"Join us for a celebration of Aboriginal history and culture at the City’s annual Flag Raising Ceremony."
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City of Gosnells - Aboriginal art exhibition
"View local Aboriginal artists’ work as part of this year’s NAIDOC Week celebrations."
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Man charged after crashing into house in Thornlie, knocking down wall - ABC News (Australian Broadcasting Corporation)
"A 63-year-old man has been charged with drink-driving after crashing his car into a house in the Perth suburb of Thornlie."
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Monday, 19 May 2014
ASIO's new power over asylum seekers needs proper checks and balances
"Last week, government and opposition members voted together in Federal Parliament to confirm that refugees subjected to an adverse security assessment by the Australian Security Intelligence Organisation (ASIO) could be detained indefinitely. "
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Friday, 16 May 2014
Maddington house fire causes $150,000 damage
"Fire investigators will examine a home on Thursday morning after a fire ripped through the Maddington property on Wednesday."
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Thursday, 15 May 2014
City of Gosnells - The BiG Event, Wed 21 May
"For this month’s business networking evening, we’re heading to central Europe (well, almost).
The Austria Club of WA endeavours to pass on and celebrate its Austrian culture and traditions."
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The Austria Club of WA endeavours to pass on and celebrate its Austrian culture and traditions."
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City of Gosnells - Local Business Forum
"Supercharge your business by joining local business operators to learn about the free resources that the City can provide to assist your business."
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Wednesday, 14 May 2014
City of Gosnells - Where the jobs are
"Although approximately half of our residents work (that’s around 50,000 people), we don’t have enough local jobs to offer them. Only around 21,000 people work in the City of Gosnells, and only half of those workers also live here."
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Monday, 12 May 2014
Maddington Subway robbed at gunpoint
"A Subway employee has been menaced by an intruder with a knife and customers were held at gunpoint during an armed robbery in Maddington on Wednesday night."
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Monday, 5 May 2014
Woman charged over stealing car while owner was in Hospital Emergency | Perth Now
"A WOMAN seeking treatment at an emergency department had her car stolen then abandoned in Perth’s south eastern suburbs last night."
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Councillor Says Shen Yun a Performance ‘Too good to miss’ - The Epoch Times
PERTH, Australia—Councillor of the City of Gosnells and member of its Performing Arts Committee, Cr. Julie Brown decided Shen Yun Performing Arts was a performance that was too good to miss."
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PERTH, Australia—Councillor of the City of Gosnells and member of its Performing Arts Committee, Cr. Julie Brown decided Shen Yun Performing Arts was a performance that was too good to miss."
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City of Gosnells - Seniors urged to be first aid savvy
"Understanding first aid techniques and being able to identify signals of illness could mean the difference between life and death, which is why seniors in the City of Gosnells are urged to attend a first aid demonstration in June."
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Monday, 21 April 2014
Concern for man missing for 3 weeks - The West Australian
"Police are concerned for a missing 43-year-old who was last seen in Thornlie three weeks ago."
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Property for occupation - Lots 26 / 808 River Avenue and Albany Highway, MADDINGTON, WA 6109 | Knight Frank
"This urban landholding is located in the established suburb of Maddington within 18km of Perth CBD. The 6.6522 hectares of land is for sale by Offer to Purchase closing 4the July 2013."
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Tuesday, 15 April 2014
Thornlie to Mandurah rail line scrapped, Labor says | Mandurah Mail
"THE State Government has scrapped plans to build a Thornlie to Mandurah rail line, the Opposition says."
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Sunday, 13 April 2014
Rider Down - Warton Rd Thornlie
"Corner of Moss St and Warton Rd. Police and ambulances there around 11:45. all cleaned up now. Hope the rider is OK edit - guesswork removed."
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Friday, 11 April 2014
Perth men charged over train graffiti at Thornlie | Herald Sun
"THREE men who allegedly filmed themselves graffitiing a train in the Perth’s south-eastern suburbs last night have been charged with property damage and drug offences."
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Thursday, 3 April 2014
City of Gosnells - Draft Local Planning Policy - Gosnells and Beckenham Laneways
"Council is seeking comment on the draft Local Planning Policy - Gosnells and Beckenham Laneways."
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Wednesday, 2 April 2014
Cities keep lines of communication open - inMyCommunity - Perth, Western Australia
"GOSNELLS and Canning councils are still communicating despite Canning’s recent decision to fight a proposed merger."
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Tuesday, 1 April 2014
City of Gosnells - New era for PCYC in City of Gosnells
"The Gosnells Police and Community Youth Centre (PCYC) was officially welcomed to its new home today at the Kenwick and Districts Recreation Centre by City of Gosnells Mayor Dave Griffiths and WA Police Minister Liza Harvey."
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Monday, 31 March 2014
Friday, 28 March 2014
Richard Pennicuik tree dangerous not native
""It's one of the eucalypts that sheds big limbs," Mr Harris told WAtoday.com.au.
"They can shed terribly big limbs and you wouldn't know (if they were about to)."
Mr Harris is an engineer by profession. The tree is native to Victoria, NSW and southern Queensland.
He said fumes built up in the limbs of Eucalyptus Melliodora causing them to crack at unpredictable moments."
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"They can shed terribly big limbs and you wouldn't know (if they were about to)."
Mr Harris is an engineer by profession. The tree is native to Victoria, NSW and southern Queensland.
He said fumes built up in the limbs of Eucalyptus Melliodora causing them to crack at unpredictable moments."
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Window Maker in McNamara Drive Strikes again ...
Another branch drops out of our "Window Maker" tree, no winds overnight, the tree is just dry and these branches just keep coming, how long before it takes out the power line again ...
Tuesday, 25 March 2014
Yoga a gift for mind and body - inMyCommunity - Perth, Western Australia
"AGED 58, Langford woman Norah Willmott had trouble getting out of bed, could not sit cross-legged on the floor and considered getting a walking stick."
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WA Police back trial - inMyCommunity - Perth, Western Australia
"WA POLICE rejected WA Police Union statements that the law enforcement model being trialled in Perth’s southeast was putting pressure on officers."
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Differences put aside - inMyCommunity - Perth, Western Australia
"GOSNELLS and Canning councils are still communicating, despite Canning’s recent decision to fight any merge with its neighbour."
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Farley pleased at chance - inMyCommunity - Perth, Western Australia
"SOUTHERN RIVER resident Kate Farley (18) is competing in the country’s “pinnacle” rowing event, the Sydney International Rowing Regatta, after being selected for the Australian Open Rowing Championships."
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Monday, 24 March 2014
Games Played WABA Thornlie 22 March 2014 | BoardGameGeek
"People took advantage of the longer running time to get a lot of bigger/heavier games played. Saw a few Fantasy Flight games out on tables!"
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Sunday, 23 March 2014
Saturday, 22 March 2014
City of Gosnells - City provides $40,000 sponsorship to School Chaplaincy Program
"The City of Gosnells provided a sponsorship totalling $40,880 to YouthCARE at a presentation ceremony held last week to support School Chaplaincy programs at local schools."
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City of Gosnells - City provides $40,000 sponsorship to School Chaplaincy Program
"The City of Gosnells provided a sponsorship totalling $40,880 to YouthCARE at a presentation ceremony held last week to support School Chaplaincy programs at local schools."
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City of Gosnells - Volunteers needed to preserve local history
"The historic Wilkinson Homestead in the City of Gosnells is looking for volunteers to join its efforts in preserving and promoting local history."
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City of Gosnells - City wins AFL Traineeship Award
"The City of Gosnells Leisure World was awarded the inaugural AFL SportsReady Host of the Year Award at a presentation evening last week."
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Friday, 21 March 2014
Man attacked with star picket during violent home invasion | News.com.au
"A 62-YEAR-OLD man has been injured after he was attacked by burglars armed with a star picket in Maddington overnight."
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Widow Killer takes out power line in Gosnells ... council shrugs shoulders
Last night around 10.30pm a large branch fell out of one of the Window Killer trees made famous in Thornlie by the Tree Man, the branch fell onto the power wire running across our property causing a spark right up the street to the nearest transformer, waking the whole street, most came out to see the damage, the pole at the base of the transformer on McNamara Drive shows evidence of burning and the Fire Brigade attended to put it out, our neighbour has been without power since.
the tree was earmarked for a "trim" but budget restraints seem to delay, all other trees similar to this one were removed last year from our street, all of these trees were on the list to be removed along with the Tree Man's tree several years ago, currently the wire is being reattached to the neighbors property even though once in place it will come in contact with branches from the tree still, and the tree is showing evidence that another or several more branches will soon fall. All of the money that our council spent to fight the Tree man and yet they seem reluctant to take out this tree that has actually caused damage.
the tree was earmarked for a "trim" but budget restraints seem to delay, all other trees similar to this one were removed last year from our street, all of these trees were on the list to be removed along with the Tree Man's tree several years ago, currently the wire is being reattached to the neighbors property even though once in place it will come in contact with branches from the tree still, and the tree is showing evidence that another or several more branches will soon fall. All of the money that our council spent to fight the Tree man and yet they seem reluctant to take out this tree that has actually caused damage.
Tuesday, 18 March 2014
Police officer stops train to arrest offender - inMyCommunity - Perth, Western Australia
"A GOSNELLS police officer stopped a train leaving Seaforth station with an alleged offender aboard this month."
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City of Gosnells - Mary Carroll Park
"Mary Carroll Park is a significant environmental asset situated less than one kilometre from the Gosnells Town Centre."
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Sunday, 16 March 2014
Pizza delivery man threatened with knife
"A pizza man has been robbed at knife point while delivering an Eagle Boys pizza to a Maddington home on Saturday night."
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Saturday, 15 March 2014
City of Gosnells - Little Scribblers last chance for Homegrown fun
"Bring your children along to Homegrown Festival’s Little Scribblers event on Saturday 22 March 2014 and take part in fun art workshops which allow them to create, laugh and play."
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City of Gosnells - Breath of fresh air accessible for all
"Enjoying time in the bush is a relaxing way to unwind from the stressors of a busy week."
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City of Gosnells - City competition produces fine art
"Judging this year’s City of Gosnells Community Art Exhibition and Awards at The Agonis in Gosnells was quite a challenge for the competition judges with a record number of entries received, including 238 works from more than 160 artists."
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City of Gosnells - Amherst Soundlab
"Soundlab Music Crew (SMC) – a City of Gosnells Youth Services program – has found a formula for music success with three new bands securing a number of local gigs."
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Friday, 14 March 2014
Police find drugs, cash stash in Perth hospital - ABC News (Australian Broadcasting Corporation)
"They then executed a warrant at the man's Southern River home where they allegedly found more methylamphetamine, cannabis, GHB, a gun, ammunition, and items commonly used to make amphetamines."
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"Minprovise is an Australian owned and operated business specialising in the supply and service of Crushing and Mineral Processing equipment to a vast range of customers throughout Australia."
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Wednesday, 12 March 2014
Asphalt plant proposal concerns residents - inMyCommunity - Perth, Western Australia
"A PROPOSED asphalt plant in Orange Grove must receive proper State Government assessment, Opposition environment spokes-man Chris Tallentire says."
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Monday, 10 March 2014
Only the franchisee can build business confidence: Eagle Boys' Michael Sarracini | Franchising
With a background in the liquor and food manufacturing industries, Michael Sarracini brings a unique set of skills to his Eagle Boys franchise at Thornlie in Western Australia. "
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Friday, 7 March 2014
Backyard dealer fined $10,000 for selling 50 cars from Thornlie home
"An unlicensed car dealer who bought and sold more than 50 vehicles over 17 months from his Thornlie home has been fined $10,000 by the Armadale Magistrates Court."
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Thursday, 6 March 2014
$450K bill after surgery claim denied - The West Australian
"A Thornlie couple say they are facing $450,000 in medical bills after a travel insurance company rejected their claim for emergency open heart surgery in the US."
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Wednesday, 5 March 2014
City says no proof of unit occupants - inMyCommunity - Perth, Western Australia
"A SOUTHERN River resident has raised concerns about people living in industrial units in the Kelmscott area."
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Amber keeps eye on long term goal - inMyCommunity - Perth, Western Australia
"A NEW breed of student has emerged at Southern River College and Amber Gerwien, who has already had Government departments fight to recruit her, is a prime example."
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Station to close for upgrades - inMyCommunity - Perth, Western Australia
"KENWICK train station will get a $7.5 million upgrade, including new shelters, lighting, CCTV cameras, platform surfaces and pedestrian track crossings."
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Tuesday, 4 March 2014
Charity ride gathers mow-mentum - inMyCommunity - Perth, Western Australia
"IT MIGHT be a long and slow journey, but southern suburbs business owners Craig Alford and Andrew Fox are prepared to put in the miles for a good cause."
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Green light for roadworks - inMyCommunity - Perth, Western Australia
"WORK to relieve congestion on the border of Cannington and Beckenham can start after the City of Gosnells and Public Transport Authority (PTA) signed a memorandum of understanding."
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Boat, trucks razed in Maddington - The West Australian
"Police are investigating a fire which destroyed two trucks and a boat in Maddington overnight."
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Sunday, 2 March 2014
Thursday, 27 February 2014
Pages Mr Wyatt is going to switch to decaf
Pages: "We at the Comment are wondering if Mr Wyatt is going to switch to decaf after the first day…! "
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A former Langford resident
"A former Langford resident has told of the pregnancy that brought a partner's possessive streak to light, sparking a cycle of abuse that finally ended in public violence"
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City of Gosnells - Tell your story
"As part of the National Growth Areas Alliance, we would like to hear from residents, businesses and young people to find out what its like to live in our area."
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Wednesday, 26 February 2014
Facebook - Water bombers in Kenwick
"Water bombers are working to control a fire burning behind the Serbian Community Centre in Kenwick - sparked on Bickley Rd."
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Tuesday, 25 February 2014
Wednesday, 19 February 2014
City of Gosnells - Safe City Awards
"Winners of the 2013 Safe City Community Initiative Award and Constable Peter Ball Memorial Youth Award were announced at the City of Gosnells Australia Day Awards Ceremony on Sunday 26 January 2014."
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Police have had reason to seize a car
"Around 11pm tonight, Police have had reason to seize a car at Albany Hwy and William St, Beckenham after the driver can explain in court why he thinks he can still drive after losing all his points previously. Never ceases to amaze."
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Tuesday, 18 February 2014
Three guns and various drugs seized in two police raids | Perth Now
"A 36-YEAR-old man is facing a string of serious charges after police uncovered an arsenal of firearms and drugs in two raids in Perth’s south-eastern suburbs."
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Saturday, 15 February 2014
Brigades battle Kenwick scrub fire
"Thirty firefighters from six stations and brigades have contained a scrub fire on Bickley Road in Kenwick."
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Night to forget for WA boxers in Brisbane - The West Australian
"The Thornlie 30-year-old possibly froze on the big stage as he allowed Flanagan, 24, to walk in and pick his shots."
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Friday, 14 February 2014
City of Gosnells - Way Ahead
"The day includes dance and music workshops, free carnival rides, prizes, stage entertainment, roving performers, food stalls, giveaways and lots more."
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Thursday, 13 February 2014
Hip hop hooray for dance class - The West Australian
"A school which introduced hip hop to boost attendance rates has not only inspired students to go to school but also beaten Americans at the dance form they invented."
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Children safe as Maddington gas leak repaired - inMyCommunity - Perth, Western Australia
"CHILDREN at East Maddington Primary School are safe as Atco Gas Australia staff work to fix a natural gas line damaged outside the school."
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Monday, 10 February 2014
City of Gosnells - Tumble Tots 1-2 years
"Our Tumble Tots for 1-2 years classes will help them learn to climb safely and develop good balance and coordination skills as they are guided through our ever changing climbing circuit. Be amazed as your child's confidence develops."
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Sunday, 9 February 2014
City of Gosnells - Concert and art at Homegrown Festival
"Get a fix of the arts from Saturday 22 February 2014 with exhibitions, concerts, pop up galleries and Art in the Park on offer as part of The City of Gosnells’ Homegrown Festival."
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City of Gosnells - Clean Up crew
"You can help to keep parks, waterways and bushland clean in the City of Gosnells just by picking up one piece of rubbish as part of this year’s Clean Up Australia Day (CUAD)."
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Friday, 7 February 2014
41 Aroona Way Maddington WA 6109 - House for Sale #116061719 - realestate.com.au
"WHY BUILD, NO SITE COSTS, NO WAITING TILL BUILDING. This four bedroom, two bathroom solid home is waiting here for you to move in with nothing to do. Built in 2006 this Blue Print home is located in a newly established area in Maddington. "
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Real Estate for Sale: 1+2/130 Attfield Street, Maddington, WA - reiwa.com.au
"On offer is 1316 sqm of Sub-dividable land zoned R30. Owners have just been approved to subdivide.
Proposed Lot one is 600 sqm of land zoned R30."
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Proposed Lot one is 600 sqm of land zoned R30."
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Maddington address available on request - House for Sale #116053387 - realestate.com.au
"Supported by Western Australia’s largest builder, government finance assistance & no deposit home loans, HomeStart can make your home ownership dreams a reality!"
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Four men charged over Canning Vale burglary and tresspass
"Police have charged four people with burglary and trespass offences after responding to a report of suspicious behaviour in Thornlie on Thursday afternoon."
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Real Estate for Sale: 15 Melvin Avenue, Thornlie, WA - reiwa.com.au
"Solid 3 bedroom 1 bathroom home on approx 776sqm block.
Separate lounge, kitchen/meals area.
Needs renovating. Great for adding value."
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Separate lounge, kitchen/meals area.
Needs renovating. Great for adding value."
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16 McLeish Place Thornlie WA 6108 - House for Sale #116053719 - realestate.com.au
"RE-MODERNISED, RE-PAINTED, RE-TRANSFORMED is this beautifully presented single level residence, stunning expression of utilised space and location, hence the perfect option for those seeking the ULTIMATE for today's living and lifestyle."
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4 Barlee Close Thornlie WA 6108 - House for Sale #116051347 - realestate.com.au
"Immaculately presented, large 4 bedroom, 2 bathroom family home with a separate studio in a sought after family friendly cul-de-sac. The master bedroom features a sparkling renovated en-suite bathroom and the home has fresh paint work, air conditioning, a double carport and bore reticulated low maintenance gardens."
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16 Tritonia Rise Thornlie WA 6108 - House for Sale #116054247 - realestate.com.au
"Forest Lakes Cul De Sac
4 bedrooms 2 bathrooms plus study.
Double brick and tile home built circa 1997.
640sqm block.
Entrance hall.
Formal lounge & dining."
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4 bedrooms 2 bathrooms plus study.
Double brick and tile home built circa 1997.
640sqm block.
Entrance hall.
Formal lounge & dining."
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1073 Welford Promenade Southern River WA 6110 - House for Sale #116052231 - realestate.com.au
"Don't miss this opportunity to live in Abingdon, Bletchley Park Estate!
EXCLUSIVE House & Land Package in Southern River!!
- Block directly opposite a Park
- 3 bed x 2 bath with Study & spacious open plan living
- Modern Feature Elevation"
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EXCLUSIVE House & Land Package in Southern River!!
- Block directly opposite a Park
- 3 bed x 2 bath with Study & spacious open plan living
- Modern Feature Elevation"
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12 Selbourne Road SOUTHERN RIVER | House | For Sale @ domain.com.au
If a picture paints a thousand words, take a look at this home and you will find a masterpiece. "
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If a picture paints a thousand words, take a look at this home and you will find a masterpiece. "
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DARLING Range Wildlife Shelter
"DARLING Range Wildlife Shelter in Martin is calling for volunteers to help with the number of animals coming into the shelter"
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1074 Welford Promenade Southern River WA 6110 - House for Sale #116052771 - realestate.com.au
"Exclusive House & Land - Bletchley Park
Don't miss out on this great opportunity, to live in Abingdon, Bletchley Park Estate, Southern River!
- Block directly opposite a Park
- 3 bed x 2 bath with Alfresco Area & Double Lock Up Garage
- Modern Feature Elevation
- Ford & Doonan Ducted Reverse Cycle Air Conditioning
- European Design Fittings "
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Don't miss out on this great opportunity, to live in Abingdon, Bletchley Park Estate, Southern River!
- Block directly opposite a Park
- 3 bed x 2 bath with Alfresco Area & Double Lock Up Garage
- Modern Feature Elevation
- Ford & Doonan Ducted Reverse Cycle Air Conditioning
- European Design Fittings "
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Rental Properties for Rent: 16 Pegus Street, Thornlie, WA - reiwa.com.au
"This older style home is full of charm and character with renovated kitchen and bathroom. The home offers 2 bedrooms, sleep out/3rd bedroom, kitchen and lounge/dining. The gardens are in need of some tender loving care so the love of gardening is essential. Sorry no pets allowed. This property is worth viewing.
Applications will be given at the viewing only."
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Applications will be given at the viewing only."
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123 Hume Street Thornlie WA 6108 - House for Rent #412414011 - realestate.com.au
"Entertainment Special!
Are you looking for something special? This comfortable and well-finished four bedroom, two bathroom home might be exactly what you are seeking. Features include;
1. Air conditioning - two wall units to keep you cool and comfortable.
2. Renovated - fresh paint, vertical blinds and carpet throughout
3. Amazing patio ideal for outdoor entertainment
4. Second small patio as well!"
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Are you looking for something special? This comfortable and well-finished four bedroom, two bathroom home might be exactly what you are seeking. Features include;
1. Air conditioning - two wall units to keep you cool and comfortable.
2. Renovated - fresh paint, vertical blinds and carpet throughout
3. Amazing patio ideal for outdoor entertainment
4. Second small patio as well!"
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Thursday, 6 February 2014
Compromise over development cost - inMyCommunity - Perth, Western Australia
"CENTRAL Maddington is poised for a major facelift now a much-disputed plan has settled what landowners must contribute for infrastructure."
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5 Jooleen Way, THORNLIE WA 6108 - House For Sale by Ray White Southern Star
"Just another family home for sale at Ray white Southern Star. Great 3 bedroom home with semi- en-suite bathroom. Comfortable living areas, wood flooring, air conditioning. Kitchen over looking the patio and neat courtyard. Under cover parking for 2 cars. Handy Location. Recommended viewing.IF YOU ARE THINKING OF SELLING OR BUY PLEASE GIVE ME A CALL"
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24 Jacqueline Drive Thornlie WA 6108 - House for Sale #116033383 - realestate.com.au
"Facing River Reserve
4 bedroom 2 bathroom in magic location.
Large family home with entry.
Very spacious lounge and dining room.
Kitchen overlooking family room.
Features include:
Built in sauna & shower.
Large double garage."
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4 bedroom 2 bathroom in magic location.
Large family home with entry.
Very spacious lounge and dining room.
Kitchen overlooking family room.
Features include:
Built in sauna & shower.
Large double garage."
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47 Waterview Parade Southern River WA 6110 - House for Sale #116026539 - realestate.com.au
"Be quick on this one ...."
Purchase a lifestyle and be spoilt by sparkling pool.
Step inside this 4 x 2 open plan home. The free flowing kitchen, dining, family room are complimented by feature glass overlooking the theatre room / games room. "
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Purchase a lifestyle and be spoilt by sparkling pool.
Step inside this 4 x 2 open plan home. The free flowing kitchen, dining, family room are complimented by feature glass overlooking the theatre room / games room. "
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Glenorchy Road SOUTHERN RIVER | House | For Rent @ domain.com.au
"Show home presentation abounds you when you step into this family home with double glass aluminium entry doors ,double security mesh doors. Spacious entry, theatre room with double sliding doors, king sized master bedroom with large mirrored robe, quality window treatments ."
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Wednesday, 5 February 2014
Lot 24 Orpington Drive - Matison Park Southern River WA 6110 - House for Sale #116019271 - realestate.com.au
"Matison Park is located on the fringe of Southern River, 17km south of Perth and offers convenient access to jobs, shops, schools, freeways and airport. The diverse culture of this suburb ensures interest and colour in your life. This suburb is within a few kilometres of 3 golf courses, close to major arterial roads and the green hills."
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Real Estate for Sale: Lot 11 Southern River Road, Southern River, WA - reiwa.com.au
"View now on: www.wegotland.com.au to see the lot plan and location map of this property.
This 420m2 lot with 12m frontage is sure to please in the new land release of "Premier Heights" in Southern River. This new private estate sits up high and overlooks Sutherlands Park. "
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This 420m2 lot with 12m frontage is sure to please in the new land release of "Premier Heights" in Southern River. This new private estate sits up high and overlooks Sutherlands Park. "
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Tuesday, 4 February 2014
55 Hilton Crescent MADDINGTON | House | For Rent @ domain.com.au
"A tidy 3 bedroom, 1 bathroom home with built in robes in main brm, air conditioner & gas heater in lounge, lock up carport, patio and garden shed. Close to shops, primary school and transport. Pets ok.
Professionals Armadale do not accept online applications. Applications are provided at the home opens."
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Professionals Armadale do not accept online applications. Applications are provided at the home opens."
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19 Tremlett Street Thornlie WA 6108 - House for Rent #412383283 - realestate.com.au
Come and view this nicely presented 3 bedroom, 1 bathroom home + enclosed games room/ 4th bedroom.
This property consists of:
- Large front lounge
- Open plan kitchen and dining area
- New kitchen
- 3 bedrooms"
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Come and view this nicely presented 3 bedroom, 1 bathroom home + enclosed games room/ 4th bedroom.
This property consists of:
- Large front lounge
- Open plan kitchen and dining area
- New kitchen
- 3 bedrooms"
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Rental Properties for Rent: 47 Lakey Street, Southern River, WA - reiwa.com.au
"Neat & idy 3 bedroom, 2 bathroom home with study which also could be used as a 4th bedroom, open plan kitchen, lounge and dining area. Features include reticulation to front and rear gardens, alarm, air conditioning throughout, double remote lock up garage, dishwasher, gas cooking and patio to rear. No pets allowed. "
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Monday, 3 February 2014
Drink-driver speeds through 40km/h zone as kids go back to school | Perth Now
"St Munchin's Catholic School in Gosnells had the most infringements handed out to drivers with 18 people pulled over this morning."
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Real Estate for Sale: 4B Bremer Place, Thornlie, WA - reiwa.com.au
"This 3 bedroom home is set down the driveway away from any traffic, in a CUL DE SAC LOCATION
Separate large comfortable lounge
Family room with open plan kitchen and dining.
Master bedroom has walk in robe
Bedrooms two and three have built in robes
Main Bathroom has bath and separate shower.
Separate Laundry with WC. "
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Separate large comfortable lounge
Family room with open plan kitchen and dining.
Master bedroom has walk in robe
Bedrooms two and three have built in robes
Main Bathroom has bath and separate shower.
Separate Laundry with WC. "
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7 Palm Court THORNLIE | House | For Sale @ domain.com.au
"This immaculately presented family is perfect inside and out. The home boasts 4 large bedrooms all with built robes; the large master bedroom has a sparkling en suit and large walk-in robe. The property has been tastefully decorated in neutral colours throughout."
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Sunday, 2 February 2014
Perth man charged after a pursuit in Thornlie overnight | Perth Now
"A HUNTINGDALE man has been charged with a string of driving offences following a police pursuit through Thornlie last night."
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Pages Thornlie Pursuit Charges
"#Thornlie Pursuit Charges - Traffic Enforcement Group officers have charged a man after a pursuit in Thornlie last night, Saturday 1 February 2014."
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Lot 28 Bradley Street Southern River WA 6110 - House for Sale #116002787 - realestate.com.au
"Buzz homes invites you to look at this Brilliant home. The Excite urban comes simple, modern design at its best. Starting in the master bedroom, you will be feeling quite regal as you step out of the exceptionally designed En-suite, through the Master bedroom that comes with built-in wardrobes in the comfortably modest family room."
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1 Autumn Crescent, Thornlie 6108, WA - House for Rent at Rent.com.au
"Lovely home in Forest Lakes area with 4 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms and double carport. Good size rooms plus reverse cycle airc conditioning, enclosed yard for the kids and pet."
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Saturday, 1 February 2014
Midland on the money - The West Australian
"We took in Koenig's Mummy-fied, in which the stand-up performer recounts her five-year journey from the freedom of single life in a flat in Melbourne's St Kilda to married life as mother to two young kids in Thornlie."
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16 Partridge Way Thornlie WA 6108 - House for Rent #412373907 - realestate.com.au
"With ducted reverse cycle air conditioning and excellent presentation, a beautiful kitchen, large rear garden, three bedrooms, lounge / dining, single carport and large covered outdoor living area this home has a lot to offer."
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Gosnells pub brawl brings 15 police cars
"Fifteen police vehicles were called to a hotel on Albany Highway in Gosnells on Wednesday evening, with reports that between 30 and 40 people were fighting, possibly with bricks and baseball bats."
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Real Estate for Sale: 45 Coops Avenue, Thornlie, WA - reiwa.com.au
"Zoned R20/30 this corner lot of 960sqm has the potential for three units all with their own street frontage, subject to council approval.
In this Scotsman's Paradise you will find a home with room for an extended family. In total it has four bedrooms two bathrooms with the two entrances and a variety of living areas that can be tailored to suit your needs. Outside is a great pool area close to a workshop with a large yard space and room for the vegetable garden. "
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In this Scotsman's Paradise you will find a home with room for an extended family. In total it has four bedrooms two bathrooms with the two entrances and a variety of living areas that can be tailored to suit your needs. Outside is a great pool area close to a workshop with a large yard space and room for the vegetable garden. "
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30A Grundy Way Thornlie WA 6108 - House for Sale #115999903 - realestate.com.au
"This Value Plus, Three Bedroom , One Bathroom Duplex Half is nestled in a top location opposite lovely parklands.
Entry Hall.
Formal Lounge/Dining has Carpet Flooring, Curtains and Feature Bay Window."
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Entry Hall.
Formal Lounge/Dining has Carpet Flooring, Curtains and Feature Bay Window."
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Real Estate for Sale: 4 The Crescent, Maddington, WA - reiwa.com.au
"This fantastic property will walk out the door! Located in the heart of Maddington this 3 bedroom 1 bathroom home represents a great investment opportunity. Located on a huge 976sqm block that is zoned R80 with a massive 31 meter frontage means there is huge development potential. "
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Friday, 31 January 2014
Real Estate for Sale: 16 Burgandy Court, Thornlie, WA - reiwa.com.au
"Once in a life time opportunity to own this magnificent Two storey Webb & Brown Neaves Residence.
Lovingly cared for by its only owner and features that would suit any family especially with a separate granny flat for the grand parents or teenagers."
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Lovingly cared for by its only owner and features that would suit any family especially with a separate granny flat for the grand parents or teenagers."
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Real Estate for Sale: 3 Ferntree Close, Thornlie, WA - reiwa.com.au
"Be quick to view this beautifully presented 5 bedroom, 2 bathroom family home set on an 848sqm block. Featuring kitchen with dishwasher and new oven, overlooking the family and meals area all with high ceilings. "
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5 Expedition Drive Thornlie WA 6108 - House for Sale #115994047 - realestate.com.au
"This oversized home has so much to offer with manicured gardens & many living areas. Well rendered finished home that is just a hop, skip & jump to local schools, parklands & nearby shopping centre. "
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Emergency services spend the night cleaning toxic chemical spill | Perth Now
"UP to 300L of herbicide spilt from a sea container being transported by truck between Fremantle and Maddington yesterday."
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Boxing right therapy | Collie Mail
"At 25 Mr Greenwood was past boxing and began working as a trainer. He quickly took on a mentoring role to children off the street and set up a boxing gym with PCYC in Gosnells."
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Reports of bricks, bats used in Gosnells pub brawl | Perth Now
"TWO women and a man were charged after police were called to a brawl out the front of a Gosnells pub with reports of up to 40 people fighting with bricks and bats."
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Lot 189 Haven Estate Maddington WA 6109 - House for Sale #115983655 - realestate.com.au
Close to schools, parks, shops and public transport.
This 4 x 2 home design features:
Master bedroom with dual walk-in robes and ensuite with WC
Bathroom between minor bedrooms with bath and shower
Kitchen complete with rangehood, pantry and breakfast bench
Large home theatre"
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This 4 x 2 home design features:
Master bedroom with dual walk-in robes and ensuite with WC
Bathroom between minor bedrooms with bath and shower
Kitchen complete with rangehood, pantry and breakfast bench
Large home theatre"
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Real Estate for Sale: 7 Palm Court, Thornlie, WA - reiwa.com.au
"This immaculately presented family is perfect inside and out. The home boasts 4 large bedrooms all with built robes; the large master bedroom has a sparkling en suit and large walk-in robe. The property has been tastefully decorated in neutral colours throughout."
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2 Venturer Court Thornlie WA 6108 - House for Sale #115984483 - realestate.com.au
This home promotes A Big Familys Harmony! It boasts a Private Sunken Lounge at the front of the home. And a Separate Games Room off the Open Plan Kitchen / Dining / Family Room. Whether your family needs a quiet place to study, or a place to 'get loud' You'll be impressed with the functionality of the clever design! "
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24 Murdoch Road, THORNLIE WA 6108 - House For Sale by Century 21 Team Brockhurst
"Wonderful opportunity to be the lucky new owner of this lovely 1989 built, 4 bedrooms, 2 bathroom home on generous 696sqm block. Boasting formal lounge/dining room with roller shutter to the front window, open plan living area comprising of kitchen, meals and sunken family/games room with built in bar and wood heater; master bedroom with ceiling fan, roller shutter and walk in robe, all secondary bedrooms feature built in robes and ceiling fans, fully renovated bathroom and WC with floor to ceiling tiles, reverse cycle ducted air conditioning t/out, security screens, alarm system plus a front door camera monitor system for your privacy. "
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Real Estate for Sale: 43 Bertram Street, Maddington, WA - reiwa.com.au
"Come along to the home open and check out this beauty!! 3 bedroom & 1 bathroom home on 808sq/m. It has all the features of a great investment or maybe for savy home buyers looking for something with extra.
It is very neat and has sitting tenants that are on a fixed lease. Some renovations have already been completed and at this price it wont be around long!!"
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It is very neat and has sitting tenants that are on a fixed lease. Some renovations have already been completed and at this price it wont be around long!!"
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5/18 Panozza Circle Maddington WA 6109 - Other for Rent #412364075 - realestate.com.au
Near new 3 bedroom 2 bathroom home. Features include Study Nook, Open plan Kitchen/Meals/Family room, built in robes, split system aircond in living area and Main bedroom, Double Garage, Alarm system, No grass no mow, minimal gardens to maintain. 2 Min Walk to Maddington Metro & Transport."
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Lot 79 Maddington Road Maddington WA 6109 - House for Sale #115983803 - realestate.com.au
"This 3 x 2 home design features:
Master suite with his and hers walk-in robes and ensuite
Galley kitchen with breakfast bench
Open-plan family and meals area with direct access to brick-paved alfresco
Separate home theatre
New flooring from our extensive standard range
Siteworks allowance
Landscaping package included
Quality blinds"
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Master suite with his and hers walk-in robes and ensuite
Galley kitchen with breakfast bench
Open-plan family and meals area with direct access to brick-paved alfresco
Separate home theatre
New flooring from our extensive standard range
Siteworks allowance
Landscaping package included
Quality blinds"
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60 Ballard Place Maddington WA 6109 - House for Sale #115986015 - realestate.com.au
"This four bedroom, two bathroom family home is in a brilliant location and has got the SPACE for all. With the comforts of a modern home and close to transport, schools and parkland, it offers more than meets the eye."
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Thursday, 30 January 2014
1 Linkwater Pass SOUTHERN RIVER | House | For Sale @ domain.com.au
"Only three years old, 204sqm, this home was finished to perfection! 3 bedroom, 2 bathroom modern home, set in on an idyllic corner block, with your own private alfresco area overlooking nature reserve, with your own gate access to cycle ways and only meters from the stunning lakeside parklands. "
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Real Estate for Sale: 14 Lachlan Road, Thornlie, WA - reiwa.com.au
"Take this perfect opportunity to invest in Thornlie, with this beautifully presented 3 bedroom home on a large block in the private Crestwood Estate. Currently rented privately for $650 per week until August 2014 it will be a solid investment with the current tenants happy to stay on past their leases (tenants currently on individual leases). With split system air conditioning, secure parking for 2, open parking for 2-3, timber floating floors throughout and much more."
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9 Regency Drive Thornlie WA 6108 - House for Rent #412350599 - realestate.com.au
"Be the first to view this beautiful 4 bedroom, 2 bathroom home in the sought after CRESTWOOD ESTATE.
Enjoy this exclusive lifestyle only available to those who reside in this estate featuring peaceful parks and walkways and the restricted use of the community swimming pool ."
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Enjoy this exclusive lifestyle only available to those who reside in this estate featuring peaceful parks and walkways and the restricted use of the community swimming pool ."
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45-49 Phillip St Maddington WA 6109 - Residential Land for Sale #200795823 - realestate.com.au
"This development site is located in one of the best locations of Maddington just minutes to Central Maddington Shopping Centre and 5 minutes to the train station. Easy access to Roe Highway for fly-ins - fly-outs and only 18 km to the city."
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Residential House for Sale Canning Vale, WA 15 Burnside Terrace
"A fabulous opportunity to get into this Magnificent Family home in the great location of Sanctuary Water Estate.
Features including:
4 generous bedrooms with built in robes, 2 bathrooms
Lovely Ensuite with French Doors
Open plan Kitchen, Family, Large Meals Area and Extra Dining Room
Enclosed Theatre Room with French Doors
High Ceiling throughout
Separate Study"
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Features including:
4 generous bedrooms with built in robes, 2 bathrooms
Lovely Ensuite with French Doors
Open plan Kitchen, Family, Large Meals Area and Extra Dining Room
Enclosed Theatre Room with French Doors
High Ceiling throughout
Separate Study"
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Rental Properties for Rent: 11 Corrigin Street, Southern River, WA - reiwa.com.au
"Be the first to view this neat & tidy villa in a small group close to parks, shops, leisure centre and public transport. Spacious and light, it features three bedrooms, two gleaming bathrooms, double remote garage with shoppers access, gourmet kitchen with dishwasher and open plan living and dining room opening onto private courtyard. Air conditioned for your comfort and alarmed for your peace of mind, it should be seen to be appreciated. "
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14 Harlequin Pass Southern River WA 6110 - House for Sale #115962503 - realestate.com.au
"Simply the Best
An opportunity has arisen to purchase one of Southern Rivers finest homes.
When purchasing real estate, clients always look for that special home, stepping into Harlequin Pass has all the boxes ticked "
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An opportunity has arisen to purchase one of Southern Rivers finest homes.
When purchasing real estate, clients always look for that special home, stepping into Harlequin Pass has all the boxes ticked "
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Real Estate for Sale: 30 Sanderling Drive, Thornlie, WA - reiwa.com.au
"Are you still searching for the perfect opportunity? You have knocked on the right door. This 4 bedroom, 2 bathrooms home on more than 700m2 presents great value for money buying in a good location with fantastic amenities just ‘around the corner’. "
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Rental Properties for Rent: 37A Spring Road, Thornlie, WA - reiwa.com.au
Small unit with street frontage, open plan family/meals and kitchen, 3 bedrooms, 1 bathroom, single lock up carport, small easy maintenance gardens. close to public transport, schools and shops. "
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48 Kestrel Way Thornlie WA 6108 - House for Sale #115965391 - realestate.com.au
Brand new to market and open this weekend for you to come see the rest. Beautiful family home, with quality features and space for everyone. "
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Brand new to market and open this weekend for you to come see the rest. Beautiful family home, with quality features and space for everyone. "
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Houses for Sale: 45 Cromarty Gardens, Canning Vale, WA - reiwa.com.au
"This precious park facing block in esteemed Cromarty Garden Estate is ready for your dream house. This fantastic 670sqm rectangular block with approximately 18m frontage is conveniently situated close to Livingston Shopping Centre, Schools, Restaurants and other amenities. "
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29 Spinifex Way Canning Vale WA 6155 - House for Sale #115960327 - realestate.com.au
"This large family home offers four large bedrooms and two sparkling bathrooms, a fully equipped home theatre, separate home office and a triple garage which always comes in handy for your boat, caravan or that very special toy. "
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12 Panozza Circle Maddington WA 6109 - Villa for Sale #115963319 - realestate.com.au
"Near New Villa
2013 year built villa in a great location opposite Maddington Metro Shopping Centre. Bus routes at your doorstep. Close to train station. Lock up and go. Perfect lifestyle.
3 bedrooms 2 bathrooms plus study nook on 225sqm block.
Tastefully decorated.
Bright and spacious kitchen, dining & living area.
Ducted evaporative air con throughout.
Paved courtyard.
Double garage."
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2013 year built villa in a great location opposite Maddington Metro Shopping Centre. Bus routes at your doorstep. Close to train station. Lock up and go. Perfect lifestyle.
3 bedrooms 2 bathrooms plus study nook on 225sqm block.
Tastefully decorated.
Bright and spacious kitchen, dining & living area.
Ducted evaporative air con throughout.
Paved courtyard.
Double garage."
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8 The Crescent Maddington WA 6109 - House for Rent #412351195 - realestate.com.au
Character Three Bedroom Home With High Ceilings And Timber Floors
Close To Train Station , So You Won't Need The Second Car !
Lots Of Room For The Kids To Run Around ( Big 1012 sqm Block )
Freshly Painted , New Stove
For More Information Or To Make A Time To View Please Call:"
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Character Three Bedroom Home With High Ceilings And Timber Floors
Close To Train Station , So You Won't Need The Second Car !
Lots Of Room For The Kids To Run Around ( Big 1012 sqm Block )
Freshly Painted , New Stove
For More Information Or To Make A Time To View Please Call:"
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Wednesday, 29 January 2014
Real Estate for Sale: 11 Elvire Court, Canning Vale, WA - reiwa.com.au
"Providing a generous 291m2 of living incorporating 4 double bedrooms, 3 ensuite bathrooms, 4 WC's, spacious open-plan kitchen/dining/family/games, separate formal lounge/dining, a large study/office, high ceiling, ducted aircon, double garage with store, plus a beautiful outside entertaining area with colourbond patio and extensive brick-paving, set in lovely manicured gardens with plenty of room for a pool on a large 635m2 cul-de-sac block in prestigious Sanctuary Waters Estate with lake, parkland and shops nearby."
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12A Lester Drive Thornlie WA 6108 - Villa for Sale #115962867 - realestate.com.au
"Something Special
Inspect this lovely brand new overs 55s rear home built to highest standard and be impressed. Boasting high quality fixtures and fittings though out and bonus, great location.
You will feel secure with remote control electric gate entry and security alarm system."
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Inspect this lovely brand new overs 55s rear home built to highest standard and be impressed. Boasting high quality fixtures and fittings though out and bonus, great location.
You will feel secure with remote control electric gate entry and security alarm system."
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13 Loreto Way Southern River WA 6110 - House for Rent #412341727 - realestate.com.au
"Brand New 4 x 2 plus study & theatre home in Southern River available now.
Home Features include:
- Large master room with massive walk in robe
- Ensuite with double vanity
- Separate study
- Tasteful kitchen with 900mm appliances"
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Home Features include:
- Large master room with massive walk in robe
- Ensuite with double vanity
- Separate study
- Tasteful kitchen with 900mm appliances"
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163 Forest Lakes Drive Thornlie WA 6108 - House for Rent #412342091 - realestate.com.au
"Beautiful 4 bedroom 2 bathroom house with large kitchen/dining/lounge, kitchen has gas cooking and a dishwasher. Spacious formal dining and lounge, large back yard with separate playroom, alfresco entertainment area, double garage and bore reticulated gardens.
Close to shops, bus stops and schools "
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Close to shops, bus stops and schools "
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11 Elvire Court, CANNING VALE WA 6155 - House For Sale by Naked Real Estate
"Providing a generous 291m2 of living incorporating 4 double bedrooms, 3 ensuite bathrooms, 4 WC's, spacious open-plan kitchen/dining/family/games, separate formal lounge/dining, a large study/office, high ceiling, ducted aircon, double garage with store, plus a beautiful outside entertaining area with colourbond patio and extensive brick-paving, set in lovely manicured gardens with plenty of room for a pool on a large 635m2 cul-de-sac block in prestigious Sanctuary Waters Estate with lake, parkland and shops nearby."
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Real Estate for Sale: 6 Philadelphia Parade, Canning Vale, WA - reiwa.com.au
"This stunning family home is situated in Brookland Grove Estate, walking distance to St Emillies, Campbell Primary School, Canning Vale College, lovely parks and transport. "
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Real Estate for Sale: 6 Philadelphia Parade, Canning Vale, WA - reiwa.com.au
"This stunning family home is situated in Brookland Grove Estate, walking distance to St Emillies, Campbell Primary School, Canning Vale College, lovely parks and transport. "
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32 Totara Avenue Canning Vale WA 6155 - House for Rent #412336875 - realestate.com.au
"Please call or email to register your interest 93984999
Available 7th February 2014
4 bed to 2 bath plus study family home.
Formal and informal living. kitchen with gas hotplate electric oven plenty of cupboards and bench top
Evaporative ducted air conditioning throughout"
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Available 7th February 2014
4 bed to 2 bath plus study family home.
Formal and informal living. kitchen with gas hotplate electric oven plenty of cupboards and bench top
Evaporative ducted air conditioning throughout"
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10 Tarn Drive Canning Vale WA 6155 - House for Rent #412342099 - realestate.com.au
This lovely 4x2 home in Canning Vale has lounge ,dining ,family rooms ,study alfresco area ,close to shops and transport"
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This lovely 4x2 home in Canning Vale has lounge ,dining ,family rooms ,study alfresco area ,close to shops and transport"
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Hundreds of drums of poisonous herbicide spill in Perth suburbs - ABC News (Australian Broadcasting Corporation)
"Authorities are working to clean up a chemical spill in the Perth suburbs of Kewdale and Maddington."
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24A Barrett Street Southern River WA 6110 - House for Sale #115952099 - realestate.com.au
Not only has this home been kept in the most fantastic condition, with absolutely nothing to be done to it.....you also get to move in with ALL the furniture included - if this suits your needs."
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Not only has this home been kept in the most fantastic condition, with absolutely nothing to be done to it.....you also get to move in with ALL the furniture included - if this suits your needs."
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Real Estate for Sale: Lot 70 Wheaton Street, Southern River, WA - reiwa.com.au
"It's Southern River, a booming, popular suburb, only minutes away from the local Vale shopping precinct, multiple sporting clubs, the brand new Fiona Stanley Hospital, 3 local primary schools, 2 colleges and the Swan Tafe Thornlie Campus, you won't want for much more. "
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Tuesday, 28 January 2014
Pair face court over southern suburbs crime spree
"A Redcliffe man and a Thornlie woman have appeared in court on a string of charges after an aborted police pursuit on Wednesday."
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Monday, 27 January 2014
21 Kingsdown Road Maddington | House | For Rent @ domain.com.au
"Shed for Him, House for Her
Located in a quiet street near all amenities
Features include:
' Three bedrooms
' Bathroom
' Open plan living and dining area
' Enclosed patio "
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Located in a quiet street near all amenities
Features include:
' Three bedrooms
' Bathroom
' Open plan living and dining area
' Enclosed patio "
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Lot 55 Ganges, Southern River, WA 6110 - House for Sale #115944355 - realestate.com.au
"Two bedroom house and land package just steps away from transport and shopping in Southern River. Built on compact lots with little if any maintenance and that is what makes it so attractive to so many. With community lap pool you can get your exercise and make new friends in this strata development named Park Avenue."
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Sunday, 26 January 2014
▶ Maddington - Maddington Office/Warehouse For Lease - YouTube
"Published on 25 Jan 2014
10 Davison Street, Maddington
Ray White Commercial Perth
Jeremy Parasiliti"
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Charges over vehicle theft and burglaries - Yahoo!7
"The 36-year-old was interviewed in relation to a number of thefts in Thornlie, Como, Roleystone, Kewdale, Wattle Grove, Hammond Park, Redcliffe, Beeliar, Leda and Perth between November 2013 and January 2014."
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Shay Devshi set to become citizen on Australia Day | Perth Now
"At Barbagallo Ballpark in Thornlie, 45 people will take the pledge before the Perth Heat take on the Adelaide Bite at baseball."
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Four men fined over racial hate crimes - inMyCommunity - Perth, Western Australia
"A HIGH Wycombe man was among four men fined a total of $8200 in Armadale Magistrates Court for placing racially motivated stickers across a number of Perth suburbs, including Midland and Glen Forrest."
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LOT 41 MEMURU STREET Southern River WA 6110 - House for Sale #115943391 - realestate.com.au
"From $405K The Complete Package
Only two left of the Type K Floor Plan. This popular three bedroom two bathroom two car secure lock-up garage house and land package is located in Park Avenue a private estate in a great location in Southern River."
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Only two left of the Type K Floor Plan. This popular three bedroom two bathroom two car secure lock-up garage house and land package is located in Park Avenue a private estate in a great location in Southern River."
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Lot 40 Memuru Street Southern River WA 6110 - House for Sale #115943547 - realestate.com.au
It is all done for you in Southern River
Get into this great H&L package from only $4,050.00 deposit if you qualify for our 1% finance progam. This is a dream property and is going to make its new owner very happy! "
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Get into this great H&L package from only $4,050.00 deposit if you qualify for our 1% finance progam. This is a dream property and is going to make its new owner very happy! "
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Lot 44 Memuru Street Southern River WA 6110 - House for Sale #115943539 - realestate.com.au
"Have your morning swim in the lap pool, then a short stroll (250m) to the Vale Shopping Centre for your Dome Coffee charge up for the rest of the day of shopping, golf or simply relaxing. You may be able to get into one these outstanding homes for as little as 1% deposit*."
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1 Coulthard Crescent, CANNING VALE WA 6155 - House For Sale by Quinn Real Estate
Make no mistake this simply has to be the BEST opportunity to purchase a solid home on 543m2 block with great growth potential in Caladenia Primary School zone."
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Make no mistake this simply has to be the BEST opportunity to purchase a solid home on 543m2 block with great growth potential in Caladenia Primary School zone."
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Rental Properties for Rent: 70 Forest Lakes Drive, Thornlie, WA - reiwa.com.au
"Fabulous new kitchen with gas cooktop and stainless steel oven, fresh paintwork, new floorcoverings to this home located close to transport, schools and shops. Living area is very spacious with lounge/dining and family/dining. Bathroom features separate glass screened shower, bath and vanity. Bedrooms are well sized with robes."
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Saturday, 25 January 2014
14/22 Attfield Street MADDINGTON | Villa | For Sale @ domain.com.au
If security and peace is what you want, this strata home in this tightly held immaculate complex is the one for you."
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If security and peace is what you want, this strata home in this tightly held immaculate complex is the one for you."
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30 Middle Parkway Canning Vale WA 6155 - House for Sale #115934691 - realestate.com.au
"** Home Open Sat 25th 1.30-2.30pm **
Parkside Perfection
Stunningly situated opposite lush parklands and amongst other quality homes in the fantastic Glenariff Estate, this delightful 4 bedroom 2 bathroom residence will impress you in every way possible."
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Parkside Perfection
Stunningly situated opposite lush parklands and amongst other quality homes in the fantastic Glenariff Estate, this delightful 4 bedroom 2 bathroom residence will impress you in every way possible."
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1 Coulthard Crescent Canning Vale WA 6155 - House for Sale #115938991 - realestate.com.au
Make no mistake this simply has to be the BEST opportunity to purchase a solid home on 543m2 block with great growth potential in Caladenia Primary School zone."
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Make no mistake this simply has to be the BEST opportunity to purchase a solid home on 543m2 block with great growth potential in Caladenia Primary School zone."
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Real Estate for Sale: 30 Middle Parkway, Canning Vale, WA - reiwa.com.au
"Parkside Perfection
Stunningly situated opposite lush parklands and amongst other quality homes in the fantastic Glenariff Estate, this delightful 4 bedroom 2 bathroom residence will impress you in every way possible. "
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Stunningly situated opposite lush parklands and amongst other quality homes in the fantastic Glenariff Estate, this delightful 4 bedroom 2 bathroom residence will impress you in every way possible. "
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Real Estate for Sale: 20 Capensia Way, Canning Vale, WA - reiwa.com.au
"This home has all the space you need with a massive 6 bedrooms all with robes (or 5 bedrooms + study)! Close to beautiful parklands and in the heart of Canning Vale this home represents the perfect family home.
The recently painted property features family lounge, open main living with central kitchen overlooking outdoor area, and large enclosed theatre/activity room perfect for the pool table or home theatre screen."
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The recently painted property features family lounge, open main living with central kitchen overlooking outdoor area, and large enclosed theatre/activity room perfect for the pool table or home theatre screen."
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City of Gosnells - The BiG Event. Business in Gosnells - Networking
"When: 5:30PM, Wednesday 19 February
Business in Gosnells – Networking
Wednesday 19 February 2014 from 5:30pm to 8:00pm
This month’s host: Gosnells Community Bank Branch Bendigo Bank & Small Business Centre South East Metro"
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Business in Gosnells – Networking
Wednesday 19 February 2014 from 5:30pm to 8:00pm
This month’s host: Gosnells Community Bank Branch Bendigo Bank & Small Business Centre South East Metro"
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Large Family Home in growing area, Southern River | Professionals Prowest Real Estate, property for sale and rent in Willetton, Riverton, Parkwood, Ferndale and surrounding areas
Home Viewing - Wednesday 29th January 2014. 4.30pm to 4.50pm.
NOTE: Please check this site closer to the actual viewing date to confirm that there have been no changes to the viewing time. Available from 14 February 2014. Pets Negotiable - sorry NO DOGS. 6 -12 months Lease Available. "
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NOTE: Please check this site closer to the actual viewing date to confirm that there have been no changes to the viewing time. Available from 14 February 2014. Pets Negotiable - sorry NO DOGS. 6 -12 months Lease Available. "
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46 Waterview Parade Southern River | Vacant Land | For Sale @ domain.com.au
"This is one in a million opportunity to secure this magnificent 880 sqm block of land located in the prestigious Boardwalk Estate in Southern River.
Walk around the beautiful park, take a stroll to the shops or just sit on the balcony of your new dream home and admire the view of the lake and the park as well as the quality homes you will be surrounded by. "
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Walk around the beautiful park, take a stroll to the shops or just sit on the balcony of your new dream home and admire the view of the lake and the park as well as the quality homes you will be surrounded by. "
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Real Estate for Sale: Lot 36 Zambezi Street, Southern River, WA - reiwa.com.au
Full of class is this pocket rocket delight lobbed right in the heart of of the action of Southern River.
This home delivers a single level of uber-chic contemporary living with well designed floor space, light and luxury touches throughout. With high pitched skillion ceilings with natural light pumping in through highlights, this fully finished package is the best VALUE in Perth! "
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This home delivers a single level of uber-chic contemporary living with well designed floor space, light and luxury touches throughout. With high pitched skillion ceilings with natural light pumping in through highlights, this fully finished package is the best VALUE in Perth! "
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Real Estate for Sale: 26 Silkwood Street, Southern River, WA - reiwa.com.au
"This fabulously designed home features a MASSIVE 254sq metres of living and 337sq metres under the main roof.
If you are looking for a large home featuring space for you and your whole family then look no further!"
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If you are looking for a large home featuring space for you and your whole family then look no further!"
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Real Estate for Sale: 11 Calgary Street, Southern River, WA - reiwa.com.au
"If you’ve almost given up looking for that very special home that’s just that bit better than the rest...don’t. This one’s a beauty so put it on your “MUST SEE” list!
With a rare marriage of elegance and stylish sophistication, this stunning four bedroom x 2 bathroom family home is loaded with wonderful features and will satisfy the most discerning of buyers. "
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With a rare marriage of elegance and stylish sophistication, this stunning four bedroom x 2 bathroom family home is loaded with wonderful features and will satisfy the most discerning of buyers. "
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11 Panozza Cir Maddington WA 6109 - House for Sale #115940635 - realestate.com.au
If you are looking for quality, style and want to be close to a tranquil location then viewing this 2012 built property is a must. Ideally suited to first home buyers, young families, FIFO workers, investors or downsizes "
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If you are looking for quality, style and want to be close to a tranquil location then viewing this 2012 built property is a must. Ideally suited to first home buyers, young families, FIFO workers, investors or downsizes "
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Lot 14 'The Haven' Maddington WA 6109 - House for Sale #115939323 - realestate.com.au
"Choos It, Build It, Love It
Close to Maddington Centro. Close to train. City's door step. Good local schools. Ducted evaporative air-conditioning. 31c ceilings to living areas. 28c Garage and Alfresco. Tiled flooring. Stone benchtops. Verticals. Carpet in Bedrooms."
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Close to Maddington Centro. Close to train. City's door step. Good local schools. Ducted evaporative air-conditioning. 31c ceilings to living areas. 28c Garage and Alfresco. Tiled flooring. Stone benchtops. Verticals. Carpet in Bedrooms."
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8/12 Auric Place Maddington WA 6109 - Villa for Rent #412329575 - realestate.com.au
"A Sparkling Gem!
Set in a quiet complex in a cul-de-sac location, this neat and tidy villa offers many features.
* 3 Bedrooms (2 with built in robes)
* Semi-ensuite bathroom with bath and shower recess
* Formal living area"
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Set in a quiet complex in a cul-de-sac location, this neat and tidy villa offers many features.
* 3 Bedrooms (2 with built in robes)
* Semi-ensuite bathroom with bath and shower recess
* Formal living area"
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Four teenagers facing 64 charges over robberies and burglaries | Perth Now
"FOUR teenagers are facing 64 charges between them over a string of robberies and burglaries in Perth's south eastern suburbs."
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Houses for Sale: 14 Stonecreek Close, Thornlie, WA - reiwa.com.au
"This home has one of the best locations in Forest Lakes Estate; watch your children walk to school from the lake edge at the end of the Cul De Sac. Built for summer, this home is surrounded by lush beautiful gardens. While off the huge gable rear patio is a large swimming pool with its own cabana. "
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22 Hunt Street Thornlie WA 6108 - House for Sale #115939655 - realestate.com.au
"Yesterday Character With Todays Mod Cons
3 bedroom 1 bathroom plus study.
Fully renovated plus newly built living area and double garage.
Beautifully maintained throughout.
Entry, formal lounge & large formal dining/family room.
Wooden floors throughout living areas.
New carpets in all bedrooms."
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3 bedroom 1 bathroom plus study.
Fully renovated plus newly built living area and double garage.
Beautifully maintained throughout.
Entry, formal lounge & large formal dining/family room.
Wooden floors throughout living areas.
New carpets in all bedrooms."
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Real Estate for Sale: 20 Wiltshire Avenue, Thornlie, WA - reiwa.com.au
"This brilliant brick & tile home is only 7-years young and boasts value from every aspect. With 4 spacious bedrooms, study & 2 modern bathrooms, this well presented home offers much valued living space with separate theatre room, large open plan family & dining room plus a computer nook! "
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Real Estate for Sale: 9B Mcalister Place, Thornlie, WA - reiwa.com.au
"This beautifully renovated 3 bedroom, 1 bathroom duplex half presents an opportunity not to be missed! The majority of the home has been recently renovated. With most of the hard work already done, all that's left is for you to move in! "
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24 Anderson Way Thornlie WA 6108 - House for Sale #115936615 - realestate.com.au
"The Thornlie Resort!!
This immaculately presented property is just what you've been waiting for plus so much more!! If you desire a home you can simply move into without lifting a finger, love to entertain and cook for all your friends and family, plus require a workshop to bring your craft to life????"
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This immaculately presented property is just what you've been waiting for plus so much more!! If you desire a home you can simply move into without lifting a finger, love to entertain and cook for all your friends and family, plus require a workshop to bring your craft to life????"
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Four teens charged over robberies - Yahoo!7
"Four teenagers have been charged over a string of robberies in the south-eastern suburbs."
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Pair face court over southern suburbs crime spree
"A Redcliffe man and a Thornlie woman have appeared in court on a string of charges after an aborted police pursuit on Wednesday."
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Friday, 24 January 2014
South East Metro District - WA Police Dog Pic
"Report of 3 young lads may have just tried to get into the Amaroo Village nursing home in Lissiman St, Gosnells. They are aged 10-12 years old, wearing backpacks and hats, were last seen heading towards Gosnells markets."
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96 Wilfred Road Thornlie WA 6108 - House for Rent #412322451 - realestate.com.au
"Viewing a must for this spacious ross north home.
New decor, carpets and paint throughout
4 large spacious bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, theatre room with screen and projector. Open plan family room, meals and kitchen, ducted reverse cycle air conditioning, huge separate family or games room - large office, take advantage of the 16 P.V panels on the roof .
Easy care gardens and a Single garage."
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New decor, carpets and paint throughout
4 large spacious bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, theatre room with screen and projector. Open plan family room, meals and kitchen, ducted reverse cycle air conditioning, huge separate family or games room - large office, take advantage of the 16 P.V panels on the roof .
Easy care gardens and a Single garage."
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Thankyou for your enquiry. Council meetings are conducted under the provisions of the City of Gosnells Standing Orders Local Law 2003, a co...
as posted here Armadale, Thornlie trains cancelled this weekend STAFF REPORTER January 4, 2010 - 11:28AM All passenger services on the Ar...
as posted here Two Gypsy Joker bikies have been jailed for bashing a man outside a Gosnells nightclub. Dean Alan Adams and Peter Floyd Ro...
Community News Group : "THE Thornlie Football and Sports Club will be celebrating the successful 1986 colts premiership team with a reu...